
Jan 11, 2009 23:07

WHEN: 'Alive Without Breath, Cold As Death'; Wednesday, January 19th, 2009; 4:11 PM
WHERE: Quidditch Pitch
WHO: Petah and Daz!

You can fly you can fly you can flllyyyy! )

peter-quince, darren-redding, week-07

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dazzaredd January 12 2009, 08:53:07 UTC
Oh dear. He was running late. He hated terribly to leave someone waiting but this wasn't just about tardiness. He was leaving Peter waiting. Peter, who had a very short attention span. Peter, was likely to wander off after something or someone. Not that he couldn't take care of himself, but, well, he was Peter. He liked everyone and everything. Sometimes he forgot these sort of feelings didn't have to be reciprocated.

"Peeeeeete," he called, the moment he spotted the boy. Thank goodness he had listened and dressed accordingly. Darren felt a strong brotherly vibe for the boy, he supposed because he reminded him a lot of his sister. In a boyish way, of course.

"Wotcher lad, you ready to fly?" Darren threw a thermos on the ground for later and gave the boy a friendly pat on the back.


peterquince January 12 2009, 09:09:48 UTC
Peter had only stayed in this place so long because of the prospect that Daz would be helping him with Quidditch. Otherwise he might have taken a little peak into the Forbidden Forest for fun! Which he needed to do at sometime...

"YEAH! Let's go slow poke," he beamed at the older boy and got on his broom. "What first? A warm up lap? Or what?"

This just made him way too excited, so excited that if he wasn't on the ground he would probably be bouncing and tugging Daz's arm, trying to figure out what they would be doing. He loved flying! And he was going to get better at it today!

And next year he would definitely make the Quidditch team! He HAD to! No doubt in his little mind about that.


dazzaredd January 14 2009, 01:08:52 UTC
"We'll do a warm up lap and then how about a quick race around the field?" he asked, grinning. He was interested to see how well Peter could fly. The boy talked about Quidditch and flying often enough, so at the very least he had an honest love for it and that made Darren very happy.

He mounted his broom and kicked off the ground, soaring up and then swooping back down. "Okay Peter, show us what you've got. To the lake and back, I'll be right behind you. Have you got your wand on you?" Darren gave the ground an innocent once over and he moved his ankle and felt his wand rub against the inside of his calf muscle. Ever since the attacks he made sure he always had his wand on his self.


peterquince January 14 2009, 08:36:29 UTC
Peter quickly kicked up into the air and almost had to balance himself a minute from all the excitement that was bubbling inside of him. FINALLY he got to fly with Daz! This was going to be BRILLIANT!

"Ok. To the lake, right," Peter said with a nod while looking towards the lake, concentrating very hard. "Wand? Yeah, duh!! It's in my coat Daz." He then started to fly towards the lake, a little shaky, but not too bad if he did say so himself. Till he stopped paying attention for a moment to congratulate himself. Then he tilted to the right and down a couple feet before he was able to pull himself back to a normal angle.

"WHOA THAT WAS AWESOME!" He yelled with delight, a bright smile plastered over his face. Even a few laughs burst out of him as he tried to concentrate harder as he made it to the lake. His turn was a little rocky and not exactly smooth, but he made it!

He shot Daz an excited smile, "How am I doing?!"


dazzaredd January 17 2009, 04:17:47 UTC
Darren followed the Gryffindor at a safe distance. Far enough away to not crowd the boy, but close enough to help if something went wrong. Like when he looked like he was about to go into a dive. But he saved himself and the older boy called out his praise.

"You're doing really well, Peter," Darren replied as he flew in beside him when he'd reached the lake. "The only thing I'd really work on is your turns. You're overcompensating your alignment when you turn." Wait, that sounded too complicated. "I mean, you're throwing your weight to the other side of the broom when you turn. You've just got to learn to trust your broom and go with it. Lean with the broom. When you get the hang of it you'll find the further you lean, the sharper your turns."

Darren pulled away and for a second it looked like he was falling backwards, before he jerked the handle in his hand and manouvered perfectly out of a sharp left dive.

"Give it a try."


peterquince January 18 2009, 03:03:42 UTC
Peter watched Daz and tried to focus on what the older boy was saying. And then he tried to replicate it. Perhaps not quite as elegantly as Daz, but in Peter's mind it was close enough!

Though it looked like he was still doing a jerky dive, except it was a little better. And not quite as steep as he usually took his dives and turns. So there was some improvement.

"How was that?!?! Did I do it right?" He immediately turned around on his broom and looked at Daz with hopeful eyes. He HAD to do it right! Because Daz was brilliant!!


dazzaredd January 22 2009, 04:11:12 UTC
"That was brilliant, man," Darren said in his most encouraging voice. "Just remember to keep practising. You gotta be a great flyer to make the Gryffindor team." Privately, Darren thought Peter would stand much more of a chance though seeing as how Bacchus Donovan was graduating this year. The Hufflepuff had always got the feeling Donovan only ever wanted the best. That was fair enough except Darren thought there was some merit in teaching and moulding someone.

"Now, whats say we race back? Is that your own broom or one of the schools?" He couldn't quite see the label on the back of the broom and he definitely didn't want to race the boy if he was riding on one of the Hogwarts ones. They hadn't been upgraded since Darren had started seven years ago.


peterquince January 23 2009, 19:22:04 UTC
"I am! Practice, practice, practice, how much do you practice? Can I watch you practice? What do you do when you practice? What should I be?" Peter immediately started talking at breakneck speed. Daz had just said that it was brilliant! BRILLIANT!! Now he would make the Gryffindor team for SURE next year!!

He sat up straight an proud, "It's mine! Since I got good grades, I was able to get it for my birthday! It's a Cleansweep 11." Though the Hogwarts ones didn't bother Peter that much. They were always exciting to ride!!


dazzaredd January 24 2009, 06:16:06 UTC
Darren smiled widely at Peter's non-stop questioning. He was such a cool kid, it was great to see such enthusiasm! "I practise three times a week with the team and we do a bit of everything. We even try to have a mock game just for fun. And then I try to get at least another practise in just for myself where I practise saving goals. You're welcome to come watch anytime you want. You've got a real passion for this Peter and that's the most important thing; having fun! We should go and run some drills, see what position you'd be best at ( ... )


peterquince January 24 2009, 21:08:52 UTC
"Oh drills! Yeah!" Peter grinned widely, ready to get on with the lesson. And figure out what would be the best position for him. So he could start practicing!! "Are you practicing tomorrow? Can I watch then? Who plays the other team during a mock game? Isn't that hard?"

And Daz was giving him some wood polishing cream?!! OFFICIALLY THE COOLEST PERSON EVER INVENTED. And that was the brilliant truth!! "THAT'S AWESOME! YOU'RE THE BEST DAZ!!" he cheered and looked around to keep his eye on Daz.


dazzaredd January 27 2009, 04:07:50 UTC
"We'll talk about all this later," Darren said, straightening his back and moving his hands into a more comfortable position on the broom. "Let's do some tests, see what position you might be best at. Mind you, it's all relative, you could play anything you wanted if you set your mind to it ( ... )


peterquince January 28 2009, 00:16:31 UTC
Yeah, attention always seemed to be Peter's downfall in sports. Especially when the matches were boring, because he would just look around and talk with other people on the sideline, or find something more exciting to do. But Peter was determined to do well. Because HEY Quidditch was ALWAYS exciting! And he was super duper quick and speedy. So they better watch out.

If Peter's mother heard what Darren was trying to get Peter to do, she would ask if he knew what he was getting into. See Peter didn't have a very good record with...stopping on command. Not that he would say it, because he ALWAYS stopped. It's just that sometimes it required another person or object to slow him down. Ahem.

But none of that phased Peter as he quickly lit up and nodded brightly. Block Daz and his 'ball throwing' and intercept it! He could SO DO THAT.

"Yeah! Throw it!" He said, already gearing up to fly at Daz intercept the ball. And possibly already practicing 'hockey stopping' his broom as fast as he could. In a circle that is.


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