Did you have to do this now?! We're leaving town in a few days, you could've...
[ The sounds kicks in before the video does, but it doesn't take long: a Dragonite snout, big and curved, and then sliding down to a batch of eggs.
No wait--
Two clutches of four eggs, for a total of eight eggs. One is being tended to by a delicate Milotic, while the other is being crooned over by its Gabite mother. ]
Maybe eight is destined to be my unlucky number in Johto... [ Watanuki sighs. Suzu looks triumphant. ]
Would anyone like a Gible or a Feebas egg? The Feebas will know Twister, Wrap and Iron Tail, and the Gibles, er... [ He counts on his fingers, thinking quickly. ] Dragon Rage, Dragon Rush, Body Slam, Dragonbreath and Outrage. The Feebas will be P1000 apiece, and the Gibles P1200.
[ A pause. ]
Thank you for your consideration.
[ A bow to the camera, then--click. ]
[[ ooc: Just a reminder that all of these eggs have been claimed oocly
here! All characters are still welcome to tag, however. ]]