Jun 03, 2014 23:23
I am re-learning how to cook for myself. I learn, then forget, learn then forget. I'm getting better.
I'm dating a man who is kind to me, makes me laugh, who I feel such a light happiness with. We are teaching each other a lot, and I have gotten in the habit of waking up early to wake up with him. Tomorrow morning I'll get to sleep in.
The first June storm happened today. The sky just opened and it poured for about 5-10 minutes then stopped. Yesterday I got tested. They missed my vein the first time, made me drink more water, and then had to get more blood.
It's been six months since Luna passed on. There are times when I miss her so much that a pit opens up in my heart. It feels so emtpy in there when I think about my best friend, the being who I felt so loved and care by and I loved and cared for her. I was never alone with her. Now, I feel that emptiness. I love the dogs, certain dogs. They help me not feel so lonely without Luna. And I have the moon, always nearby.