Feb 03, 2014 23:26
Miami was warm, but I was cold and distant to Dave who talked endlessly about himself.
San Francisco was full of friends, eating food, beaches, walks with Banoo. And probably most importantly, not feeling lonely. It was nice to know that I had friends close by, who were on my team, who I care for so deeply.
Despite one hiccup of "girl politics," (must find better terminology, please help), and two broken windows within 8 hours of each other, I was so happy. Banoo and I wanted to spend time with one another, moving ourselves around the apartment to be close. It was that and the pleasure of others company that kept me feeling light.
If I'm being honest, I didn't want to leave.
Alex picked me up from the airport and was a little bratty, and again this morning. He gets this way when he is stressed but he can close himself off in the dark room and often he'll drag me in it with him, which causes us to fight.
To readjust to being home, I'm cleaning the room from top to bottom, getting rid of old feelings and memories that I held onto.
I want winter to end.