My turn!

Sep 21, 2005 01:01

LJ Interests meme results

  1. blankets:
    I can never have too many blankets...especially the fleece kind.
  2. class of 2000:
    We are the drug-free class of 2000...yeah. I graduated.
  3. driving:
    I love to drive. Especially with music blasting and windows down.
  4. frogs:
    I miss my frogs. They are so cute. Especially the babies they had.
  5. hugs:
    Hugs make me happy. They feel so good to give and receive.
  6. mains'l services:
    Not exactly an interest, but the company I work for.
  7. photographs:
    I just got 127 of these developed. Photographs are good reminders and make happy memories.
  8. shopping:
    Loves it! I could shop everyday if money weren't an obstacle.
  9. stars:
    I like to look at the stars every now and then. They amaze me.
  10. the color blue:
    Blue has been my favorite color for a long time. My old room is painted blue.

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