I AM: bored
MY HAIR: needs a change
MAKEUP: Is a cover-up
I'M WEARING: my heart on my sleeve tonight
I'M EATING: pretzels
I'M FEELING: unfulfilled.
I'M THINKING: how I am going to fail tomorrow.
I'M GOING TO: call him
I SEE: what i should have done
I NEED: a friend
I FIND: me wanting more
I WANT: To be loved.
I HAVE: Everything and more
I WISH: On stars.
DO YOU EXIST? You tell me.
I LOVE: him
I HATE: her
I MISS: him
I FEAR: regret
I SMELL: popcorn
I THINK: i need to study
I CRAVE: love
I SEARCH: For me.
I WONDER: if I will make it through
I REGRET: a lot of things
1) When I was a kid after school I: went to afterschool care.. yupp i was a latchkey kis =o)
2) This one time when I was high: n/a
3) The New Pope: is German!! & awesome!!
4) I fall asleep easily: int the middle of class and long car rides
5) I need more: Originality
6) I need less: Confusion.
7) Public toilets are useful for: going to the bathroom?.
8) The United States should change its name to: nothing
9) My theme song would be: n/a
10) Sometimes I think people: Are too caught up in their own problems to realize other's.
11) Prescription drugs are: helpful only if needed
12) I think about sex when: It's being talked about.
13) The middle finger is most useful: to express a feeling
14) The last time I bought a pair of shoes: Last week
15) In one month: I will be in Georgia
16) For the last time: i do like him!
17) The last thing I stole: i can not recall
18) If I won the lotto, the first thing I would buy: pay my way to college
19) When in Rome: visit Vatican City
20) If only I could get rid of: negative thoughts
21) Your mom: is hott..
22) When I'm on death row my last meal will be: why would I be on death row ??
23) The last person who talked to me: Lauren.. right after we got out of the car
24) I mostly use the internet: All the time.
25) When I'm President: defentily will not have to be worring about that one
26) I most resemble: myself
27) The word I say too much is: "whatever"
28) Vegas is great for: gambling
29) Michael Jackson: is on trial
30) The Speed Limit: is simply just a guideline of the min. you should go
31) When I die I want my body: burried.
32) If I could go back in time I'd: .do nothing
33) The last time I said "this sucks": tonight when I had to study
34) You obviously know me well when: you know the "look" and when not to mess with me
35) Tomorrow I will: take 2 exams, go to a yearbook meeting, & lay around the house
36) I spend too much time: being angry & parenoide
37) The last thing I broke: a picture frame
38) Oh yeah and don't forget: TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!
[ Describe Your ]
x. [Wallet] brown
x. [Hairbrush] pink w. white bristles
x. [Toothbrush] blue.white.&. yellow
x. [Jewelry Worn Daily] .necklace (including metals&crucifix).. braclets.. & ring
x. [Blanket] a nightmare before Christmas one from hottOpic!
x. [Coffee Cup] this cute green one
x. [Shoes] worn in flip flops!! <3<3<3<3
x. [Favourite Shirt] any worn in t-shirt
x. [Favourite Pants] my arizona jeans
x. [CD In Stereo Right Now] "the hottest shit ever!" burnt
x. [Tattoos] none
x. [Piercings] two in each ear
x. [What You Are Wearing Now] blue swishies.. and a st.rose shirt
x. [Hair] curly as ever and kinda up in a pony tail
[ When was the last time you ... ]
x. [Smiled] this evening
x. [Laughed] today
x. [Cried] sunday
x. [Bought] today ice cream
x. [Danced] in the car today
x. [Were Sarcastic] TODAY!
x. [Had A Nightmare] two nights ago
x. [Last Book You Read] the Bible
x. [Last Movie You Saw] Miracal
x. [Last Thing You Had To Drink] strawberry milkshake
x. [Last Thing You Had To Eat] pretzels
[ Fashion ]
x. [Do You Wear A Watch] no
x. [How Many Coats And Jackets Do You Own] mm...3 or 4
x. [Favorite Pants Color] dark jeans
x. [Most Expensive Item Of Clothing] haha, probably my hoodie
x. [Describe Your Style In One Word] random!
[ Your Friends ]
x. [Do Your Friends Know You] only a few
x. [Are There Traits In You That Are Universally Liked?] sure
x. [How Many People Do You Tell Everything To] mainly 2
[ Music;Television;Books ]
x. [Favourite Band Ever] I HAVE A LOT OK.
x. [Type of Music Most Listened To] alternative.rock.punk/emo.christian
x. [Type Never Listened To] none
x. [Favourite Book?] The Devinci Code
[ General Questions ]
x. [Sunny or Rainy Day] Sunny
x. [Do You Consider Yourself Lucky] sometimes .. but it doesn't last long
x. [Do You Feel Pity For People Who Commit Suicide] depends
x. [Choose One Word To Describe How You Most Often Feel] ---
x. [Do You Own Plaid Clothing] heck yes.. 2 pairs of shorts! =o)
x. [Is There More Than One Zipper On Your Pants] nope
x. [Do You Own Braces] I used to
x. [Does Your Hairstyle Exceed A Height Of Three Inches] nope
x. [Would You Classify Your Hair As A Deadly Weapon] no
x. [Do You Have A Favorite Brand Of Hair Dye] nope
x. [Do You Own A Bandana] yes a pink one from Antioch.
x. [Are You Amused By Safety Pins] no...freak.
x. [Have You Ever Used Duct Tape As A Sewing Substitute] nope
x. [Do You Like Candles] yes <3
x. [Do You Believe In Love] yes.
x. [Do You Believe In Soul Mates] sure.
x. [Do You Believe In Love At First Sight] no
x. [What Do You Want Done With Your Body When You Die] um. buried.
x. [What Are You Gonna Do When You Get Older] LIVE.
x. [How Many Songs Do You Have On Your Computer] like 5
x. [What Band Are You Listening To] Lindsay Lohan.. over
x. [Look Out Your Window... Tell Me What You See] the night
x. [If You Could Have Any Animal For A Pet] a lil teddybear puppy
x. [What Is The Longest You Ever Stayed Up] like 2 days
[ Habits;Beliefs ]
x. [Are You Disgruntled] not usually hah
x. [Are You An Anarchist?] nope
x. [Do You Smoke Cigarettes?] no
x. [Are You A Vegetarian?] nope
x. [Do You Think Meat Is Murder] yeah, but that doesn't stop me.
x. [Have You Ever Slept In An Alley Or Park] nope
x. [Do You Wash Your Hair Less Than Once A Week] er negative
x. [Have You Ever Gone A Week Without A Shower?] no.
[ About Me]
x. [Age] 16
x. [Birthday] October 25
x. [Sign] scorpion
x. [Location] Florida
x. [Status] flirting
x. [Crush] yep
x. [Natural Hair Colour] brown/red/blonde
x. [Current Hair Colour] brownish red
x. [Eye Colour] baby blue
x. [Height] 5'4
x. [Shoe size] 9ish-10
x. [Parents] divorced
x. [Siblings] 1 younger sister
x. [Live With] mom
[ Favourites ]
x. [Number] 7
x. [Color] emerald green
x. [Day] friday
x. [Month] MAY && OCTOBER
x. [Song] Extential night on prom night.. Straylight run
x. [Movie] Moulin Rouge..My Best Friends Wedding.. The Notebook.
x. [Food] Grits
x. [Season] Fall usually.. only winter if snow.
x. [Class] Intgrated 3
x. [Teacher] Coach Gill from 9th grade and Mrs.Denny from 10th
x. [Drink] sweet tea, water, & mountain dew
x. [Veggie] carrots.
x. [Radio] 97.5..88.5
x. [Store] whatever.
x. [Word] not a fovorite but overused... "whatever"
x. [Animal] koalla.
x. [Flower] tullip
[ This;That ]
x. [Me;You] me and you, you and me
x. [Coke;Pepsi] coke<3333
x. [Day;Night] night
x. [CD;Cassette] CD
x. [Jeans;Khakis] jeans
x. [Car;Truck] car
x. [Tall;Short] doesn't matter
x. [’NSync;BSB] Nsync
[A]ge?: 16
[B]est friends?: Jonathan Ryan
[C]hoice of meat?: chicken
[D]ream date?: anything with him
[E]xciting adventure?: going to coonhill
[F]avourite food?: sushi & grits .. not together
[G]reatest accomplishment?: making it this far through life
[H]appiest day of your life?: getting my car
[I]nterests?: friends.church.family.music.movies.love.boys
[J]ell-O?: The Jello you could put ginger ale in
[K]ool aid?: that greenapple crush! mm I miss that
[L]ove?: It's great, I just can't seem to get a hold of it
[M]ost valued trinket?: my rosary ring
[N]ame?: Jessica
[O]utfit you wore today?: blue swishies..and a st.rose shirt
[P]iercings?: two on each ear
[Q]uestion most asked?: why are you such a bitch?
[R]adio station?: 88.5 Christian
[S]port?: soccer
[T]elevision show?: the barkers.. law&order SVU
[U]r favourite song?: Extential night on prom night.. Straylight run
[W]here do you live?: Florida
[X]yz?: a couple
[Y]ear born?: 1988
[Z]odiac sign?: Scorpio
01. Pierce your nose or tongue? tongue
02. Be serious or be funny? Depends.
03. Lose weight or gain weight? Lose.
04. Whole or skim milk? Skim.
05. Single or Taken? Dosn't matter.
06. Simple or complicated? Complicated.
07. Law or anarchy? law
08. Flowers or angels? Flowers.
09. Grey or gray? Gray
10. Read or write? Read.
11. Color or black-and-white photos? Depends.
12. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
13. M&M's or Skittles? Skittles.
14. Rap or rock? Rock.
15. Stay up late or wake up late? Both.
16. TV or Radio? radio
17. Is it POP or SODA? COKE
18. X or O in Tic-tac-toe? X.
19. Blue or black? black
20. Apple or orange? Apples.
21. What came first the chicken or the egg? i don't care.
22. Hot or Cold? Cold.
23. Big towel or little towel? Huge.
24. Glasses or no glasses? Depends on the person.
25. Sun or moon? Sun
26. Emerald or ruby? Emerald.
27. Sex in the morning or night? Wouldn't know.
28. Left or right? Left.
29. Acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend.
30. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla.
31. High or Drunk? drunk
32. Green beans or carrots? green beans.
33. Low fat or fat free? Low-fat.
34. Love or Lust? Love.
35. Chewable or non chewable vitamins? Those animal ones that taste really good. You can chew those.
36. Kids or no kids? kids
37. Cat or dog? dog
38. Half empty or half full? half full.
39. Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup.
40. Hard cover books or paper back books? Paperbook.
41. Newspaper or magazine? Newspaper
42. Sandals or sneakers? Sandals
43. Wonder or amazement? Both.
44. Red car or white car? white
45. Happy and poor or sad and rich? Happy and poor.
46. Singing or dancing? Singing.
47. Corduroy or plaid? Plaid, I guess.
48. Happy or sad? ...happy
49. Purple or green? Green.
50. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? Friendship.
okay I am done.. off to bed. Good nightS!