Title: The Gatekeeper (5/12)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Jack & Ianto, Gwen, Martha + original fictional characters & Classic Doctor Who characters.
Summary: Jack & Martha deal with different visitors while Gwen gets in trouble all by herself.
A/N: Another story in the Something that Starts with "S" AU set several months after the events of Syntropy.
PART FOUR Jack eyed the man in front of him with suspicion, if the silver hair didn't cause unease, the weapon pointed at them earlier definitely did. But Jack Harkness was good at staying cool under pressure, and if all else failed; well, he didn't stay dead for long. "Captain Jack Harkness, Torchwood, and you are definitely not from these parts." He looked over at Martha who continued to frown at the man- especially since her scanner detected nothing in front of them.
The man finally put his weapon away, "I am Commander Sharrel of the Movellan task force; we have tracked two terrorists to this planet. We believe they are searching for components to create a bomb which they plan to use against the citizens of our confederation." He looked between the two of them, "My ship is in orbit above this world awaiting status of my mission." He pushed back his long white overcoat, allowing them to see more white underneath along with a strange green glow, before pulling a small device from his silver belt. The device displayed a wire frame schematic of Cardiff, with two distinct paths leading towards the Plass, but the Plass area itself was washed away by static. "They entered this area, but some unknown energy is covering their trail. You will take me to this area so I may apprehend them," he turned away from them and pressed a button on his device, "Agella, Lan; lock to these coordinates and translocate."
Both Jack and Martha jumped back as large static discharge followed by a wave of heat blasted the area directly in front of them and two additional people dressed like Sharrel appeared with bubbling tarmac under their feet. The only thing to distinguish their appearances (other than one being female) was the colour of a small choker around their necks- the newcomers wore silver while Sharrel's was black. The commander turned to the new arrivals, "Report findings."
The woman turned and looked directly at her commander, "Scanners are unable to locate the primary and secondary target. Unknown energy is disrupting our ability to locate them within the specified area. Lan has accessed local video technology which showed the targets approach a large reflective tower then disappear."
The man, Lan, turned and continued the report, "We have continued to monitor the local video sources and the targets have not departed the area; nor have we found their traces. They are still here as we have not detected a power surge to match their transportation technology."
Sharrel looked at his crew, "Very well. These humans will take us to the location and assist us."
Jack bristled at the comment, "Excuse me, but these humans have no intention of helping you unless you start giving us some real answers. Like where did a Time Lord come from when all but one of them is dead!" The visitors turned at once, drawing their weapons and pointing them at Jack and Martha, causing Jack to back up slightly, "Whoa there. If you expect us to help you, you're really coming at this the wrong way." The woman walked directly in front of Jack and stared at him, unblinking then fired her weapon at Martha. "What the hell?" Jack was on the ground checking Martha, noticing a pulse and that she was breathing. "What did you do?"
Agella looked at the scene dispassionately, "Stun setting level three; she will be unconscious for several hours. Place her in your transport and I shall remain here with her while you assist." She turned and walked to the SUV, opened a door and seated herself. Jack looked on stunned, but lifted Martha and put her in the back seat of the SUV.
He looked at the woman and scowled, "She had better be okay, around here we don't just stun people and expect them to cooperate." She ignored him and simply sat in the SUV looking out on the roadway. Jack covertly activated Martha's comm and SUV scanners to keep an eye on things while he was gone. Sharrel and Lan were standing next to the SUV waiting for Jack so he quickly rearranged Martha's clothing, slipping a gun underneath her, before turning to the men. "I suppose we should get going then."
"Tosh, who stocked the food supplies for this facility?" Gwen was eying the cabinet with trepidation. Stacked from top to bottom, the shelves contained baby food and formula along with every sort of preserved or pickled foodstuff known to man.
"Ianto Jones last restocked the larder seventy-two hours ago, there is adequate food and water supplies for sixteen weeks." The mainframe's answer didn't surprise Gwen in the least, but she really didn't want to spend the next four months locked in this room. She randomly grabbed a child's drink for Branwen and a jar of what looked to be pickled cauliflower for herself, but dropped it as a wave of pain passed through her stomach. As she gasped through the pain, she noticed the wetness soaking her clothing, her mind started rushing and was interrupted by the mainframe's too calm voice, "Please note. I have detected increased breathing and adrenaline levels as well as the initial stages of labour; please remain calm while I contact support staff."
Gwen let out a groan, "Forget contacting anyone- let me the hell out of this room now!" She stifled a scream as she rushed to the bed and dropped down on her side, pulling her legs up. "Shit!"