Sep 13, 2007 09:55
well, yesterday was awesome. school went fast and i did like 1305987 things after school. it was nice to kinda get my mind off of everything.
so after school me, elliot, chris kramer, nickschiavone and sandy went to applebees withhhhhh nick and kyle and cz and erin and miah?! and courtney?! and alli?! and jordan campbell! hhaa it was pretty weird but i was hungry.
and thenhmmm..ummm..oh yeah. me elliot nick chris cz and nick and sandy went to nickschiavones and it was freezing but we like swam and stuff. idk i was cold as heck.
then we went to go eat again. haha wendys. but i aint got no money
then we went to nick kramer's house!
and kyle came back over and we went to the atco woods and i friggen hate the dark. gah damn.
and then we went back to nicks house and danielle rugen erin steve and CAB came overrrrrr!
and we played hide and seek. and me and erin were just screaming the whole time. we hate the dark.
and then i was dead and so was sandy and nick. so i took them home.
today my day will probably suck. SAT ish til 1:30. training from 4-4:30. and little monsters practice 6-7:30. i love my 12s though
ok i have to go get ready for this.
peace & love.