Dec 10, 2009 14:18
This year has come and gone. I know it's cliche to say that I can't believe it, but damn. One year ago I was taking finals and living with friends in Orlando. I rode my bike everywhere (I didn't have a car, as it wasn't necessary) and went to shows and bars. I was dating Brian and had awesome roommates. I was in school full time, making straight A's and felt like I was finally following the course I had set out for me. That went on for some five or six months more. Then something completely life altering happened and I was thrown into a state of mega confusion. A fork in the road and a decision to make.
I still remember where I was when Adam called me to see how I was doing. I remember not putting his voice with his face when he told me who it was. This is the stuff that I had angrily scribbled down when I was 18--and it actually happened. I had forgotten him. My life was so different and I had experienced a bazillion things since last talking to Adam. It was a totally weird feeling.
He had a son and split up with his wife of three years, someone I didn't know but had only heard about. We got back together and I bought a car to get around. Not the prettiest car, but a totally functional one. We moved into a nice house in Titusville, owned by an old friend.
In the months since, I have become a partner, a stepmom, and most importantly a responsible adult. I'd be lying if I said its been perfect, because it's been a learning experience and perfection is impossible. This has been a defining experience. Adam and I live together, work together, and play together. I love every moment I spend with this loving creative individual and I am thankful things have happened the way they have. I love my life, even if it isn't how I imagined it would be a year ago from now. I have the best support group and inspiration one could imagine. I didn't realize it until now, but 2009 has been the year to set me up for all the great things to come.
Since I moved back I was convinced I hated Titusville, but I've come to love it more with every bike ride. It really clears your mind and satisfies one's need to explore. I love my family, my friends, and my life. Completely.
Bring it on, 2010!
Stutter and sing,
via ljapp