Oct 04, 2001 11:22
Could kick shakespeare's ass. The Canterbury Tales is incredible. Read it.
In unrelated news, my girlfriend is bomb.
I stayed home sick from school today, even though I probably could have went. So far, I've watched Varsity Blues, read the Prologue and The Millers Tale in The Canterbury Tales and ate all of my bitch sisters poptarts. Haha, taught her a lesson about writing her name on food.
Last night my family complained as I watched all 200 minutes of 'Seven Samurai' for a second time. They said that I dont need to watch it that much seeing as my short film will only be 10-15 minutes in length.
I told them to take it deep.
There is a character in it named Heihachi who is ALSO in the playstation classic trilogy 'Tekken'.
Yesterday my Italian teacher saw me with the video camera trying to plug it into the T.V. to show her how I taped the class. She thought I was trying to tape her and went psycho. She tried to lock my camera in her file cabinet til I told her its sensitive to heat and she'll have to pay me every penny for it. She said just not to tape her because 'i'm not into that big brother bullshit'. Haha, it's gonna be funny when everyone in the class has their own copy.
I have to give her credit though, she's doing a good job teaching us about Dante. She just left out the part that Dante's love interest was like 9 years old. Thats pretty sick. Even for those days, because I think he was a lot older.
Dont worry readers, the insults will start coming soon enough.