
Aug 20, 2007 21:27

1. If I looked in your trunk, what would I find?
Chair, some car bits, a 5 L water bottle

2. Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?

3. Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawers, or just thrown in?
Folded :s

4. Sleep on your back or stomach?
Rolly polly rolly rolly

5. Are you a cuddler?

6. What would I find if I looked under your bed?

7. Something that happened today that has made you mad?
nothing really

8. What were you doing before this survey?
More quiz's

9. What will you do after this survey?
more Quiz's

10. Marriage or living together?
Living together

11. What are you wearing right now?
pj pants, shirt and hoodie

12. How many times have you been in love?

13. Are you currently in love?

14. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
usually talk.... i'm fairly open

15. Is there something you regret and wish you could take back.
few things

16. First thing you do when you wake up?
drink some water

17. Last person you told you love them?

18. Kiss with your eyes open or closed?

19. Bite or Lick?

21. Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?

22. Why do you like the person you like?
Great loving personality

23. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
I hit snooze and sleep for 10 more mins

24. If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you?

25. What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen?
BB07 **BORING!!!!**

26. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
My 20th

27. When will you turn 50?

28. Who is your best friend?
Steve, blaise,

29. Where do you wish you were right now?
With friends

30. What song are you currently listening to?
Blink 182 - Online songs- Take off your pants and jacket

31. Have you ever passed out from drinking?

32. If you caught a significant other cheating on you what would you do?
Dunno... but it wouldn't be pretty

33. what time did u wake up this morning?
10 ish...

34. Do you have any cousins?
Loads spread out here there and everywhere

36. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

37. What is the WORST subject they teach in school?

38. Where do you plan on living when you grow up?
In a house... dunno yet.. still deciding... maybe canberra

39. What was your dream this morning?
I don't even remember now.

40. How many times have you seen your favorite movie?
too many... haha

41. Where was the last place you traveled?

42. How was your past weekend?
Bad... car crash....

43. What is your favorite song?
Dunno i have a few, prob billy tallent - Red Flag

44. Why are you doing this survey?
Trying to ignore my frustration

45. What is the best ice cream flavor?

46. Do you think you are attractive?

47. Is someone on your mind right now?
yer, blaise

48. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
yer, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba... well i can type it.. can't remember it

49. Do you worry about how you look?

50. Would you ever change for a boy/girl?
Nah depends what i had to change....

52. Have you ever been on stage?

53. Can you whistle?

54. Would you do anything for that special someone?

55. Do you know who Stewie Griffin is?
family guy, yes.. hahaha love that little guy!!!

56. Do you have any plans for today?
not really, its late at night now... so the only plans left are sleep

57. Are you friends with guys or girls?

58. Why?
because, they are all cool

59. Have you ever thought a friend could be more than a friend?

60. Do you like the beach?

61. What color is your toothbrush?
blue and purple

62. What makes you laugh?
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