Oct 23, 2005 20:46
My busy weekend.
I can do this an any type of format I want, essay, personal etc. oh! an annylitical essay...
Maybe not...
Well I will start from Friday:
Friday: I didn't go to school, just didn't feel like it... You know how it goes sometimes and it was just one of thoese days, anyway... but I cleaned my rooom....Well my day "started" at 5pm when the first of amanda's 5 friends arrived by 5:20 they all had arrived, 5:40ish Justin was here.... We sat and talked non-stop pretty much. and went out side to play with his lighter, and the next door neighbour and her bf looked at us weird. Then we left for Pizza hut... ateand went to playworks and played two games of pool... I really suck at it btw) We then walked to action to get something, and then went and saw 40yr old virgin.. OMG so funny!!!!!!!! lol, then we went home, and watched a bit of Mr Bean.. and then went to bed.... ah.. I'll stop now.. but we didn't got to sleep until after 4:30 am.. :-S
SAT: I woke up at 7 to .... singing of amandas friends, stupid song over and over and over and over and over and over again!!! to 10:30..
... *twitch* anyway, 12:45 I woke up Jusitn b/c he needed to go to Brumbys to meet up with Jamie... and we went shopping and then I got ready to go to the rock awards with colleen and then colleen came and then, we waited for my aunt and then we went to the strand and then poor lyndon had to take us to the entertainment centre.. and then we saw the next door nighbour next to us.. LOL!!! and then we went in side and then listened to the music... MEH most of them were pretty good... My 2 fave bannd played 2 songs, the first one was the boss battle music out of Final fantasy 7.. lol.. and the ppl who won played 3 good songs, Feul, TNT (my fave AC/DC song) and Enter Sandman (????)) and then we went home...
......... and then i went to bed at one...
SUN: went to the sunday markets and I got a few more charm things on my braclet, and then came home to do some modern history homework... so yup... that is it... :-P
rock awards