Jun 26, 2005 21:11
Okay Sarah Shaw. I give in. I'll update only because I love you.
I will NOT make a habit of updating...mainly because lord knows how long I've got until dad takes the internet away. I stopped updating because I got sick of people twisting my words around. But I'm beyond caring now. Think what you want to think of me, I don't care.
Summer has arrived at last...ahh..I've only looked forward to this for ten months. I expect you all to be part of my summer. Beaching, parties, kite flying, sleepovas, horseback riding, gatherings, picnics, digging holes, Candace and Sandy photoshoot?, story writing, hiking, camping and most importantly...piles.
Yesterday I hung out with everyones favorite witch, Alan. We went to the mall where I purchased a new bathing suit, skirt, tanning oil and socks...yes, socks!
This week will be good start to summer BECAUSE...dun dun dunnn.... orientation, festival of lights, KYLAN PORTER, Stonepark semi, Canda day=fireworks (rustico or charlottetown? not sure yet)..ect. AND in like, 10 days is my birthday.. what the fuck? I didnt even realize it was THAT close. Jeepers.
mmm.. anyone else like orange juice and bondage? Quig and I are the coolest cats alive.. and Ryans fetish is disgusting... I wish I had some sour apple gators...and a kitty. :)
Phone me if any of you want to do someting ANYTIME...or tomorrow. <629-1604>
nananananaaaana ♥