Oct 20, 2006 13:20
I hate the fall.. i hate it, i get dumped in the fall, i hate the wind, i think when the leaves fall off the trees that they are ugly and muddy. I hate rain. I dont particularly like this time of year.
I was walking home from the gym, i looked like ass, i felt great. It was raining, i was wet, i had headphones on, i had sandals on, my socks were wet. I thought it was the most beautiful day in the world.
people say everything happens for a reason.. This fall happened for a reason, ive never been so appreciative of friends in my life. (im directing this towards my ptbo friends,sorry OV, its not thtat you not worth mentioning, But today is about ptbo.) So what are good friends? good friends are my friends.
A good friend is..
-someone you can call at midnight and she will come over to help you pick an outfit out becasue sometimes your clueless. And she makes you hot. A good friend plans her future with you and tells you you dont have an option, you WILL be friends. SHe also lets you sleep over at her house becuase you dont want to be alone, even though you are DEBBIE DOWNER.
- A good friend tells you to yell outloud becasue she knows you want to bottle it up, and she knows your not as strong as you think you can be. Then she listens to you and does not judge. While you are yelling.
- a good friend just gets it
- A good friend rearranges huis schedual to fit yours, because its been THAT long.
- a good friend wakes up to your phone call, piles into her car and drives you all over town to buy black pants, because your legs are too gangly and you dont fit the standard length of pants. She even put another friend on hold to make sure you got what you needed.
- A good friend trusts you, and tells you she trusts you.
-A good friend punks your door. Then steals your toaster oven, but returns it.
Also, a good friend returns chopsticks.
- A good friend Stuck out a commitment for you even though it put his life into chaos.
- A good friend writes emails that make you cry. but the good cry.
- A good friend tells you advice straight up, bro.
- A good friend laughs at your unfortunate accidents...only because you know you'll be laughing about it too.....in a few years.
- A good friend lets you know that you can turn to her for anything, and she relys just as much on you.She is equal to you, she knows you and has the same faults as you, You are her advice, she is yours. You are her shoulder to cry on, she is yours.
-A good friend reads her friend's livejournal even though it doesnt necessarily pertain to her, because she is from orangeville, and yet she reads and makes effort to read because she wants to know whats going on in your life. She should invest in an Lj.
- A good friend from hamilton does the same, although your life is not as chaotic as his.
Did you find yourself??
YOU are my good friend, YOU know who you are, and I dont know if ive told you lately. You make a difference in my life and you particularly stand out at this time. This is me telling you. Its like if i just called to say i love you.
So the title of this entry is A good friend is... and the answer is you.