Entry #117... life update, not games

Oct 20, 2004 17:51

  • I finished Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits! Ending sucked. I finished the end-game quest of Evolution only to find that all it got me was a Prehistoric Broach, and all of my characters were already status-change-resistant. ;_; And so, Legaia II: Duel Saga update is ... Maya is still cute. That is all on games! Random real-life updates.

  • I remembered the author of Tale of Two Cities as someone who wrote some kind of children's story as well. And so, for some reason currently unknown to me, I concluded that it was Mark Twain, since I thought Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were perfect candidates. Little did I know I was totally off...

    So my sister, in a discussion corrected me and said it was Charles Dickens. And then I'm like, "Oh!" And so I tried to figure out which children's story he wrote and concluded The Secret Garden. Much to my surprise, no, that's not what happened ... said children's story happens to have a character named Dickon, but was written by someone else. After a search on the web, I discovered that the children's story that's associated with Charles Dickens is Oliver Twist. So I was closer the first time.

  • I successfully configured a wireless network! Complete with wireless router and a wired printer accessible to the wireless network. ROCK ON. Unfortunately, I have no idea how easily this will be repeated if/when we get some kind of broadband service which can make use of this (sure, shared dialup is an option, but it sounds kinda stupid to me ... even with the bursty nature of web surfing), but the point being ... it's all set up! Go me!

  • I applied to a car covers place in Santa Ana, and they haven't called to confirm. I applied as a lab assistant at Santa Ana College (where I'm taking 6 units worth of night classes!) and they declined. ;_; And I applied as a part-timer at the recently-opened Kohl's across the street from Santa Ana College, and they still haven't called me back after three weeks.

    In short, it sounds like part-time jobs in Orange County to tide me over until my next school attempt are a no-go because of the 50-mile distance thing. Not that they care that I take night classes down here to help my sister with the commute. I still have temp-agencies (there's an AppleOne center near Santa Ana College, and someone I know works there!), but I want to try something else first before going in that direction, since I get the feeling my father and mother will throw a fit if I head that route.

  • On that note! Trinity Broadcasting (the TV evangelistic station?) is having a telethon and hence they were looking for temporary data entry people for the week of November 1 (Monday through Sunday, with at least one Saturday session mandatory). Six hour shifts, but it pays $10 an hour, and you can work as many as you want. I'm going to apply for that for MTThS for 12 hours, and hopefully net $350 after taxes (and hopefully break my bad-luck-with-part-time-jobs streak!), which means... spending money. o_o Which will come at the same time as my CD (a dazzling 1.79%) matures, which is good news. Maybe I'll have money?

  • For some reason, Chase STILL hasn't sent me my renewed card, so officially, I don't have any credit cards. Unofficially, I have a MasterCard that I don't want to use because we still have fraud issues we're trying to resolve with the parent company, which they refuse to work with and just let us accumulate interest. With that, I'm getting worried that there's some fraud just waiting to happen. It's annoying constantly having to borrow my sister's card whenever we get gas, too.

  • Finance classes kickass. ... I think I mentioned this before, but if I haven't! I'm taking a small-business class and a personal finance class with the same professor, and eventhough I have no idea how true his stories are, they're inspiring. The people also are really happy, considering they're taking night classes, and I can relate to all of them. It's a great feeling.

  • But you know what's an even better feeling? WHORING MUSIC. :D I sent PJ and Doug a DVD full of Japanese bubblegum-pop mp3s, and the postage was only two-thirds of what I thought it would be. If anyone has a DVD player on their computer and wants a copy (... and die from bubblegum pop overload? There's KOTOKO, more I've, Day After Tomorrow, Aiuchi Rina, Utada Hikaru, Hamasaki Ayumi, and good-for-NaNoWriMo anime/game soundtracks), I can mail it! I still have 10 extra bubble mailer envelopes. o_o Yes, I'm trying to get rid of them. And share music! I love sharing music. It gives me an artificial high when people like songs I send. ... I'm starting to sound like Cecilia.

  • For those who have ever wondered what I would sound like singing in Japanese, PJ introduced me to YouSendIt and if anyone's morbidly curious, I can upload the singing sample of me singing a clip of a girl's song (specifically, it's Ichikawa Yui's Ame, also sung by various others, including Hina of Pretty Guardian Sailormoon) along with the same clip sung by Ichikawa Yui! It's blackmail material. ... That, and I trust it more in multiple hands than Jamie Anne's hands alone. o_o

  • Do you ever get these spurts where you feel like you've grown up a lot? I felt that way after the last year. I think I've grown up and learned more in my last year in college, plus the following summer, about myself than I learned in the previous twenty years combined. People say your first year in college does it ... but I think the nearness of the real world, and leaving college, did it for me. Maybe the year that I start college again will be even more awakening. Stirs up lots of feelings of anticipation. :D

  • Speaking of passing years ... This is a warning. o_o No midnight birthday calls. NONE. I'm turning my phone on vibrate and hiding it in a corner in the house. But! Calls in mid-afternoon or late-afternoon, or evening, or even the next day for belated calls are more than welcome. I can see Randy calling me now. o_x; And if I ever get anywhere near Wisconsin, I'm going to steal his shoes. And attach Tamaki Nami posters to his car. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

  • Yay for fonts! On a random note, I downloaded Mozilla, and I'm still trying to figure out why it is people praise it so much. :\ Safari (the Mac-only browser) is so much better appearance-wise (though functionally, Safari sucks), and IE renders fonts slightly better than Mozilla does. Though I really like the finer gradient in font adjustments (using pixels instead of points), and pages do flow a little better in Mozilla than IE (though Mozilla has seriously counter-intuitive focusing issues). Ah well. ... Does Mozilla support ActiveX? o_o It made it sound like it did, but at the same time, it didn't... so confused.
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