Dec 09, 2004 21:58
Jesus H Tapdancing Christ I need to update more! Wait.. no I don't; no one reads this anyhow. Um.. I'm kinda depressed right now. I think it's just at the world in general. And it's all J.D. Salinger's fault! He showed how perverted and corrupt the world really is and now I've been on a mission to find some sort of innocence I can hold onto. I'm dismayed to discover that I can find none. No one in my little piece of the world, no one I know is without corruption in some form or another. I know nothing is perfect, but can nothing be even essentially good? *sigh* I just don't know what this world holds for me anymore. Now don't start thinking I'm going to kill myself, and if you say it to me I'll go balistic! Well, that's it, I'm out.