Jun 04, 2005 23:44
* thank you all who voted for me, making me el presidento de mi escuela!!! yeah! too bad for u seniors because you will not be able to experience the amazing jew monopoly that marit, molly, joe and I will have over the gondos who will miss you greatly next year!!!! i am sooo thrilled and excited + can't wait to say the pledge during assemblies! but seriously, next year will be the best year ever!!!!
* I love my wonderful tragus buddies and crying + laughing + screaming over a roach in molly's car and being able to talk for 2 hours untill 11:00 on a thursday night about nothing. and free large coffe bean ice blended and sprinting to the bathroom during movies and buying childrens tickets and seeing a movie the day it comes out... and analyzing teen novels and discussing how the movie possibly failed up the books. and traveling pants in general.
* the SAT this morning was like an intense palms reunion. cool to see people for the 1st time in 3 years. Everyone looks generally similar to how i recall.
* go you people at prom right now- at the moment i wish i said yes
* a bit burnt out and so ready for summer but very sad about seniors leaving and change. i feel a little left behind in a variety of ways. i wish the summer could be like it used to be- but i know it will be at least for a little while before we leave.