(no subject)

Apr 05, 2012 19:29

Haha if you thought my Naruto feelings could be kept to a single post, YOU WERE A FOOL.

Well, I am still kind of laughing at the fact that Tobi took Sasuke to a bar (LOL WHAT), but omg, the faces Sasuke made when those Konoha shinobi were talking. :cccccccc Sasuke, they had no way of knowing, I know it doesn't seem fair but them's the breaks with undercover work and it was Itachi's choice. ... and okay I maybe wanted to punch them a little too BUT SERIOUSLY IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT, OBVIOUSLY WHAT YOU NEED TO DO IS DIG UP SOME EVIDENCE AND TELL EVERYONE. Make a Powerpoint presentation! Don't use too small a font or too many gifs! DON'T KILL ANYONE WHILE MAKING IT! And then maybe I will hug you because seriously JUST LOOK AT THESE FACES. Oh, Sasuke. D: This is why I was like YES AU!SASUKE IS SO IN-CHARACTER yesterday, because AU!Sasuke is totally just like that! Only - in a different way because of different circumstances, BUT SAME BASIC "NO ONE ELSE GETS TO DISS ITACHI >:^[" FEELING.

Also, that gif in the previous entry? That is not used lightly or an exaggeration, that is literally exactly what I did when I hit the page where Kabuto says "Let me become your new brother." Because - no, Kabuto. JUST NO. ENTIRE UNIVERSES OF NO YOU MAY NOT AND LET US NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN. ... I mean just for starters the survival rate of Sasuke's brothers is pretty shitty so it doesn't seem like a good career move.

So that panel where Itachi says, "I'm still the Leaf's Uchiha Itachi"? SO MY HEART HAD TO EXPAND LIKE FIVE SIZES TO CONTAIN ALL THE LOVE I FELT AT THAT MOMENT. Oh gods, the fact that he's still that fucking loyal to Konoha kills me OH MY PRECIOUS STUPID MASS-MURDERER I HOPE YOU REALIZE THAT I WOULD NOT LOVE YOU HALF SO MUCH IF YOU WERE NOT SO LOYAL TO KONOHA, THAT IS SERIOUSLY EXACTLY HALF OF THE REASON WHY I LOVE YOU, the other half obviously is the nail polish your brother obsession, but the brother obsession wouldn't mean nearly as much without the love for Konoha and vice versa, SO BASICALLY WHAT I AM SAYING ITACHI IS PLEASE DON'T CHANGE OR AT LEAST ONLY CHANGE IN SUCH A WAY THAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF SPEAKING APOLOGIES OUT LOUD. Oh please please please let the thing you want to say to Sasuke be "I'm sorry for all the physical, mental, and emotional trauma" please please please (you don't have to phrase it exactly like that as long as the "sorry" is in there). OTHER ACCEPTABLE OPTIONS INCLUDE: A) some variation on, "I chose my path myself, but by trying to protect you I never gave you a chance to choose your own way, so - do what you think is right, without thinking about me (but hey just as a personal favor don't destroy Konoha okay)," B) I LIED THERE ARE NO OTHER ACCEPTABLE OPTIONS JUST FUCKING APOLOGIZE ITACHI DDDDDDDDDD: THEN HAVE A HUG AND/OR A LOVING FOREHEAD POKE AND BE ALL "Good luck, stupid little bro" AND SASUKE CAN BE LIKE "Whatever jerkface" AND THEN YOU CAN - uh - oh fuck go back to being dead I guess and then I'll cry forever but they'll be good tears, I guess. TEARS OF MOTIVATION TO FINISH THE AU.

By the way, Kishimoto? Since you are clearly reading my journal/the AU/MY MIND, I have a tiny favor to ask - if you have any big revelations about the Uchiha still to come, could you please reveal them sometime very soon, like the next three weeks? Because at this point I am pretty sure you won't do something horrible to me like say that Itachi didn't care about Sasuke or Konoha (even if he's piss-poor at showing it), but it would be really, really great if I didn't suddenly have to revise everything currently revealed in the AU. I mean, sure, I'm going to have plenty of time in the second half of the fic to fix up any little discrepancies currently available (like Tobi not actually being Madara *grumblemutter*), but it'd be nice to be able to plot with those things already in mind, not be halfway through a fabulously complex Orochimaru and Danzo arc and suddenly have to change EVERYTHING.

... okay, not that that's likely to be a problem since I still have barely started the chapter setting up the timeskip and have some chapters to write before the complicated Orochimaru and Danzo arc I have planned, but I'd still just like to know pretty soon IN CASE IT IS IMPORTANT FOR CHARACTERIZATION/PLOTTING REASONS EVEN BEFORE THEN. D:

And okay, Kishimoto, you got me, baby spy Kabuto is kind of sadly adorable and I felt a twinge of sympathy. Then I remembered he's a graverobber and he desecrated Zabuza and Haku's graves for his stupid fucking Edo Tensei and is slowly killing Anko SO FUCK YOU KABUTO DIE IN A FIRE ONCE THE EDO TENSEI THING IS RESOLVED AND PLEASE BE OKAY ANKO. DDDDDDDDDD:

Also last night I was thinking about all the people who are owed at minimum two punches directly to Sasuke's face before he can be forgiven, and really, Sasuke, you might want to just die heroically in battle instead. It was a really long list. ... I mean I'd cry forever but as long as everyone else gets to live happily, eh, I'll always have my AU. Oh, and Itachi? While you are apologizing to Sasuke, maybe you could ask him to pass on your apologies to Gaara too? Since, you know, YOU KIND OF HELPED KILL HIM THAT ONE TIME, and even if he got better there is no excuse and you totally owe him an apology.

Aaaaaaand now that I have written like ten pages of feelings, it is probably time to hit post and try to move on - to waiting with bated breath for the next chapter. Adlksdfsjlalkslksd I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING AND I NEED IT RIGHT NOW ;o;

Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here: http://hokuton-punch.dreamwidth.org/934264.html .

squee!, deep thoughts with hokuto, bright orange ninja, rabid fanning, writing, fanfic

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