Okay everyone, yesterday was a day that started out pretty well (if way too early) and then turned to shit, and today so far has been a day that started out kinda LADKLFJKD but has turned into LOVE AND FLOWERS AND KITTENS. And do you know why it has turned into LOVE AND FLOWERS AND KITTENS? Because apparently there is something about the profession of paleographer that attracts AMAZING PEOPLE WHO ARE SO KIND AND ENCOURAGING TO ME THAT I COULD CRY. I am only being honest here, y'all.
See, yesterday I found out that I was a dumbass who had completely misread the due date for an application for MY IDEAL JOB* and frantically emailed my paleography professor here about whether it would be worth it to try sending in an application anyway, and she said yes and agreed to meet with me today to talk about it. ... then she bought me lunch and talked with me for ages and was super supportive and kind about MY TOTAL DEADLINE COMPREHENSION FAILURE and also, she gave me some resources for my probable dissertation topic that she also came up with and agreed to write a letter of recommendation for MY IDEAL JOB and offered me some work transcribing a couple lines each of several manuscripts. I am kind of in love. ;o; (Can't wait to tell my mother that I'm finally taking her advice and learning to socialize with professors. XD )
I may have spent the last couple of hours composing a letter for the job application while capslock-whispering to my computer "PICK ME PLEASE PICK ME I AM THE PERFECT PERSON, THERE IS ACTUALLY NOTHING THAT I LOVE MORE THAN CUDDLING MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS AND READING TINY TINY LETTERS, I WILL WORK SO HARD FOR YOU LIKE 50 HOURS A WEEK AND I CAN'T ACTUALLY TELL YOU THIS BUT I WOULD DO THIS JOB FOR FREE, SERIOUSLY YOU COULD JUST PAY ME IN MANUSCRIPT TIME, THIS JOB IS BETTER THAN ICE CREAM." And at one point looking at manuscript images and crooning to them about how beautiful and charming and perfect they were. I - am starting to think that my Naruto obsession is actually the less creepy one, here.
At some point I need to stop sitting on my unmade bed eating Doritos and go do things, but - oh look, fic updates! *reads*
*It involves reading marginal notes in Carolingian manuscripts. From SEVERAL DIFFERENT EUROPEAN LIBRARIES. And also it is near the Hague. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PICK ME YOU ARE PERFECT AND I AM EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT ;o;
Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here:
http://hokuton-punch.dreamwidth.org/837514.html .