Wow, you all know what I really love? Especially in the morning? Just love so much that I cannot get enough of them?
At least it was at around 9:15 and not some really ridiculous hour like 3 a.m., but argh, still. Well, at least now everyone in my hall and the surrounding halls knows that I am a creepy doll person, because my priorities are totally in order and I grabbed Aedon and Chelidon* before I went out.
I have been having the weirdest dreams lately. A couple of days ago I dreamed that Daleks invaded Earth and Donna flirted with Romana, but then she cried because she couldn't find her family and friends and it was very deeply upsetting. I WILL PUNCH ANYONE AND ANYTHING THAT MAKES DONNA NOBLE CRY OKAY. Then this morning it was some weird thing about being Harry Potter and having a binder full of mostly Naruto fanart by some artist, and then I was sitting in my elementary school library being offered some cheap-ass job by the librarian (not the librarian of my childhood, either) and getting bothered by freshmen and trying to keep my head of lettuce hidden, but I had to abandon it so I could rinse my mouth out because I had accidentally started chewing on my chopstick holder and it tasted gross and chewy, like lead.
... maybe I am more stressed than even I realize. o.~
*Rest assured that in the event of a real fire, I would make time to pack up all of my dolls and my laptop. Pffffffft smoke inhalation and burns, who cares.
Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here: .