May 28, 2010 17:24

I did not mention this on the internets previously because it is not anyone's business, but my dad was away in Palestine the last couple of weeks, doing anesthesia for surgery, and while he was there he also got to do some tourist things and went up to Jerusalem with some people and the tour guide was the same guy who led OUR tour of Israel back when I was a wee third-grader and went to Israel with my dad! PRETTY COOL, RIGHT? But that's not even the coolest thing! See, this guy had a couple of daughters, and I met them on that long-ago trip and the oldest daughter and I were penpals for a while. As it turns out, that very same girl is also now in graduate school, studying - wait for it - wait for it...


HOW GREAT IS THAT? We haven't written each other in years and years and we ended up in the EXACT SAME FIELD! I don't even have words, it's just so awesome.

Anyway, only vaguely related, since my dad was away he has some Lost to catch up on, and last night we rewatched the penultimate episode, and now that I think about it... I should really probably feel worse about Ben shooting Widmore than I do. I mean, what's the difference between him and Widmore, really, besides the amount of backstory shown and writers' investment in redeeming the characters and current status of their respective daughters?

... no I still don't care, Widmore sucks. I can't decide if Jacob really did visit him or not - I don't think so, particularly, but I guess it could have happened. Anyway I'm vengeful and I cannot help but cheer a little in my soul when Ben says "He doesn't get to save his daughter." And I knew Penny would be all right anyway, so whatever. (Ben didn't shoot her once! He betrays UnLocke anyway! I HAVE MY HEADCANON AND I'M STICKING TO IT.)

Also, I am not sure that I have adequately mentioned my deep and intense love for Dr. Linus, so allow me to make it perfectly clear: I FUCKING LOVE DR. LINUS. And not just because he is the sweet nebbishy version of one of my favorite amoral sociopaths! Because even if he didn't have this other life of amoral sociopathy behind him/sideways/whatever, Dr. Linus is such a good guy, seriously! Keeping an eye on suspicious characters around the school and trying to make a citizen's arrest and AHHHHHH SO AWESOME! If he were real he would get a teaspoon salute over on Shakesville, I am pretty damn sure.

Also also, I will never not be amused by the fact that almost everyone else "awakens" through love, but Ben "awakens" by getting PUNCHED IN THE FACE. It's just. IT'S SO BEN.

I am not looking forward to watching the finale again. D: ... well maybe a little. For the good parts! LIKE BEN.

In a few short hours I am going to the airport to pick up iraenicole and tomorrow we will go to Animazement with lemone and then there will be BEACHTIMES and I am so fucking excited, omg, ANIMAZEMENT AND A WEEK AT THE BEACH AND iraenicole, THIS IS GOING TO BE SO FUCKING GREAT! *flails*

lost is made of wtf, latin geekery, the universe is awesome, d'awwww friends, animazement

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