(no subject)

Apr 23, 2010 21:36

Tonight is a night just for me! By which I mean I am only looking at the parts of the internet I feel like looking at, so neener neener neener at the rest of it.

You all may remember how the other week I could post of nothing but how much I wanted my Dalek toys, and then there was one post of "~*DALEKS*~," and then I degenerated into term paper ramblings? Well, rest assured, that post was not the end of the Dalek saga.

Perhaps due to the similar mode of transportation, the Daleks, alarmingly, have picked up certain BJD-ish traits...

Meet (from left to right): Dalek Cevra, Supreme Dalek, and Dalek Clementine.

Dalek Cevra is a Dalek of the original design (from their very first appearance), and the fierce guardian of my nightstand.

Zie jealously guards hir place beside me on the couch, and is very affectionate.

Zie also pays attention to hir duty at work, unlike a certain other Dalek... XD

Supreme Dalek did not want a name change, as zie felt that "Supreme Dalek" was already a pretty great name. Zie hails from "Planet of the Daleks," a really great Third Doctor serial following directly upon "Frontier in Space" (the last Delgado!Master serial).

Zie was supposed to be my main Dalek at work, but...

Zie's a slacker who just wants to stare out the window like me. XD

Reg still thinks Supreme Dalek is worth hanging out with, though! SO CUTE.

Zie was also invaluable in helping me complete my term paper! LOOK HOW HELPFUL.

Who's my little Dalek buddy?


Dalek Clementine is very shy, but zie took an immediate and intense liking to Gabriel for whatever reason. Maybe it's because zie's from a Fourth Doctor serial ("Genesis of the Daleks," which I am going to watch any day now) and Gabe is a big Four and Five fan, but I couldn't say for sure.

At any rate, they are very cute together, and I'm glad Gabe's got some company. ♥

Because I love her so, so fucking much. ;o;


And sometimes she sleeps in the sink. XD

(I just like that her reflection is in this one!)

Or on a chest. XD XD XD *LOVES HER*

Now I just have to edit the photos from the dollmeet at the beginning of the month... *PUTS IT OFF SOME MORE, THIS IS ME NIGHT*

creepy dolls, picspam, kitties, doctor whodunnit

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