Today was sort of indescribable in that "sad over book 24" and then "accomplished at making ginger snaps" followed by "laughing at my mother unexpectedly bringing home the Christmas tree*" way.
Book 24 is still the very saddest book and nothing will ever convince me that Homer/associated poets of the oral tradition did not mean for the audience to be bawling at this point. My professor's talked a bit about how Priam's journey to the Achaian camp to get Hektor's body may be meant to evoke an underworld journey type of story; I approve of this reading purely based on poetic sensibilities, but there are some textual bits that support the idea as well.
Yesterday I slept till noon because laying in a warm soft bed doing nothing was really all I wanted to do, but I got up anyway and used the last of the free 7 days of WoW game time to remake Polunochnaya (Draenei mage) as a death knight and run around wreaking havoc and scourging the Scarlet Crusade. Seriously if Blizzard had made it so you could serve Arthas and be Scourge FOREVER I would have found a way to keep playing this game no matter the cost. BEING SCOURGE IS THE MOST BEST BY FAR (this is a construction that makes sense in Greek I swear).
Also looking up words in English/Latin is difficult at the moment because I want to look for th- words near the front of the dictionary and keep thinking that g should come before d. Greek does that to a person.
*She had bid on a Christmas tree in a charity auction, without realizing that yes, you got the entire tree.