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Nov 17, 2004 19:49

HAHAHAHA I TOTALLY OWNED NECRON TONIGHT A WINNAR IS ME. I took in Zidane, Garnet, Eiko, and Amarant, and Amarant tranced AT THE PERFECT MOMENT HAHA. SUCK THAT FULL-PARTY CHAKRA, BITCH - SUCK IT LONG, AND SUCK IT HARD. It was still a hard battle, but I was getting on top of the initial "OMFGIDIED!!" thing that sometimes happens with a boss, starting to really hit back, and then Necron went bye-bye. HEEE.

I grant you that there's something to be said for a long, hard boss fight that you survive by the skin of your teeth. But I also submit that it's REALLY FUN to just completely beat the SHIT out of said boss while barely breaking a sweat, and then cursing it out afterwards for dying before you were done kicking its ass. X3

I don't wish to say too much about the ending, in case of spoilers. But it was gorgeous, and I really, really loved it, and I just might have to ask zee roomie if I can take FF9 home with me over the break after all. XD God, what awesomeness... I don't know many FF main heroes, I have to admit, but Zidane will always own them all in my book. (Yes, even Cloud - I still love mah Cloud, but damn, Zidane is COOLER. WITH A TAIL.)

Now I have to run and watch Smallville in the parlor. *runs for it*

a+ awesome, smallville, gaming, teevees, final fantasy vivi

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