Mar 19, 2004 23:11
Well, first day of StellarCon went pretty niftily. I worked at Registration, and man, it got hectic sometimes. I hope I never work Registration at some place that gets really busy like Animazement or Otakon. o.o
There was an actual stormtrooper legion there. They were FANTASTIC. And a guy in a giant mechanical robot outfit with blinking lights and a voice filter and everything - damn it was so cool.
Other than that, there really wasn't a whole lot I wanted to do, so I came home early and watched some more Wolf's Rain. I really like it, it makes me sad that the ending is apparently bad.
Ah well. Back to Sorcerer Hunters. Why did I ever think the dub was good again? o.~ Oh well, there's plenty of pretty Marron to go around. =d
P.S. Anyone here good at making LJ layouts? I really want a new one to go with my pretty new icons. <3
journal maintenance,
star wars,