GUESS WHO GOT A MOTHERFUCKING HARROWED MOUTH OF UR AND IS NEVER EVER TAKING IT OFF \o/ AWWWWWWWWWW YEAH COMPLETE HARROWED SET FOR WARLOCK, GET! (And Ascendant Plane as a shader looks way better on my warlock than I thought it would, which is a pleasant surprise.)
I also finally got spliced Nanomania Grasps for my hunter last night, so I think I have all the complete hard mode raid sets I could desire! Except for Vault of Glass/Crota's End, but I must be honest, I have no vault space whatsoever for collecting complete sets of VoG/CE armor for anyone. D: I guess it would be nice to have a full Wrath of the Machine set for the Sibyl, but I don't really like the warlock helmet and she's so very uninterested in SIVA and the Devil Splicers when SAVATHÛN AND XIVU ARATH ARE STILL OUT THERE, YOU GUYS. (Even if Destiny 2 isn't Hive-focused, which is okay because there's so much else to be explored still, I hope we get a few hints/bits of foreshadowing about what Savathûn and Xivu Arath are up to and whether we might be seeing them in the future.)
Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here: .