I will freely admit that my hopes for 2017 are not high, but I did just find strawberry lime Jones Soda at the grocery store when I haven't seen it in ages and ages, so that's something.
Anyway, Yuletide reveals have happened! And I feel that I really should not be surprised that
my glorious gift was written by
illumynare, who wrote me such an amazing treat last year and also managed to sell me on Eris/Toland, OF ALL THINGS. THANK YOU ETERNALLY, ILLUMYNARE. ♥
As for me...
For my assignment, I wrote
I'll Fly Away (In the Morning) for
an_ardent_rain, a Bioshock Infinite fic about tiny Elizabeth and Songbird! I will not lie, it ended up being a little difficult - no fault of an_ardent_rain's, but I was breezing through canon review, got to Finkton, and then the election happened. And as you might imagine, after that, it was just a little difficult to go back to Columbia. (WHY PLAY IT WHEN YOU CAN LIVE IN IT, RIGHT? *EXTERNAL SCREAMING*) So again, ABSOLUTELY NO FAULT of poor an_ardent_rain's, but it took me a while to get in the spirit to write again at all, and then to find an idea I could write where I wouldn't have to go back to the playthrough, and then there was that whole thesis defense/bronchitis/travel hell thing... In the end I am fairly happy with it, but I do wish I could have written something longer and with a bit more meat to it. D:
What with everything happening so much, I was pretty sure I would not have time/energy to write treats, but I did manage one! Probably no one is very surprised that I wrote
Titanium for
Burning_Nightingale. I JUST HAVE A LOT OF JOLDER FEELINGS, OKAY. ;o; I need to write so much more about the Iron Lords, really, because we get so many fascinating glimpses of them in the grimoire AND THEN BUNGIE BRUTALLY STOMPS ON OUR HEARTS. (At least we still have Saladin and Efrideet? MOAR EFRIDEET, BUNGIE, I BEG YOU.)
So that is about it for me for Yuletide! I will get around to crossposting these to
brief_transit sometime soon... (And FF.net at some point, maybe? I've been so terrible about keeping up there.) Also, the Dawning may be over in Destiny proper (ALAS, FOR IT WAS BEAUTIFUL), but I did manage to sneak in
a tiny fic about it before it ended! Mostly about Sylith-3 being an overly dramatic goofball. I'M NOT SORRY, I love my silly Titan.
Now - to get cracking on all these Marathon fic drafts that need finishing... *gentle sob*
Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here:
http://hokuton-punch.dreamwidth.org/1082336.html .