I have been very, very slow in reading Yuletide fic because I was trying to cram as much sparrow racing into the last couple of days as I could, and while sadly I have not been able to achieve my third first place victory to finish the quest, I've been abusing my Three of Coins stash and have RACKED UP. 310 Super Good Advice! 310 (hunter) Crest of Alpha Lupi! 310 INVECTIVE AWWWWWWWWWWWWW YEAH.
... and yeah I gave in and bought a MIDA Multi-Tool from Xûr even though it's 280, BUT I MISSED MY BABY SO MUCH, DAMN IT. This one is just until RNGesus/Three of Coins comes through for me!
I am really going to miss sparrow racing, I hope we can do it next year. Maybe it can come back in midsummer with new maps? PLEASE BRING IT BACK WITH MORE MAPS, BUNGIE.
Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here:
http://hokuton-punch.dreamwidth.org/1066395.html .