... holidays make me bad at posting, I guess? ANY EXCUSE NOT TO POST. SORRY. Anyway, we had a very excellent Thanksgiving down at my sister and sister-in-law's new place, which I must say looks even better with furniture. XD They are temporarily taking care of a sad little dog who showed up on their porch nearly starved to death (seriously, she was skin and bones); unfortunately they can't keep her because they already have a very needy, spoiled rotten sweetheart of a dog who can only graciously tolerate an interloper for so long. Skinny Dog is a very unfortunate pit bull/basset hound cross - she literally has a giant pit bull head on a squat little pigeon-toed basset body - but with luck she will charm someone at a shelter! She is somewhat skittish, but trying so hard to be a good dog (she's great at walking on a leash!), and I really hope she'll find a good calm home...
In lieu of Black Friday shopping because we all hate it, we went to the aquarium and there were THREE WHALE SHARKS, at least one of which I'm pretty sure was the size of the U-Haul I drove down to Atlanta in the first place, plus some freakin' huge manta rays, and I saw one of them doing backflips in the water, and it was SO COOL. Sadly they did not have any nurse sharks, but they did have zebra sharks, which like to chill out napping on the ocean floor as well, so I was content.
I also made my sister and sister-in-law run Prison of Elders level 32 with me so I could get my Titan a Kellslayer's Helm (and more sweet, sweet Variks rep). IT HAS GIANT HANDLEBARS, OKAY. I WANTED IT. It ended up being a really smooth run, we didn't wipe even once! A couple of close calls, but no actual wipes. I've had worse level 28 runs, even. XD I just wish we could get year two gear from PoE, or something else to make it more worthwhile to run, because I love PoE... Hell, I would settle for a matchmaking system for levels 32 and 34 now that 35 isn't the level cap. (I can understand not having matchmaking for Skolas, because that fucker is raid-level difficulty, but come on, 32 and 34 are totally doable with randoms now! AND I NEED THAT REP SO I CAN BUY THOSE DAMN SHADERS WITH THESE OTHERWISE USELESS TOKENS OF IDENTITY ALREADY.)
Yuletide is. Uh. It's progressing? Much more slowly than it was because I'm still sort of working out what the actual climax is, but some words is better than no words. If I work really hard and concentrate, maybe I can get it done in the next couple of days and send it off to beta, and then ON TO TREATS + OTHER STORIES I KINDA ABANDONED WHEN THE INSPIRATION STRUCK. Not that I am complaining at being hit by inspiration so hard! I just miss working on those other stories. XD
Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here:
http://hokuton-punch.dreamwidth.org/1064980.html .