(no subject)

Jul 26, 2015 13:38

Survived the overnight train trip from Paris to Munich! I say "survived" because while my sister had very thoughtfully gotten us all first-class tickets and tried to get us a sleeper car so we could actually get some rest on the way, sleeper cars are apparently a thing of the past. And the lights in the carriage were on the whole way. And the seats are really not comfortable for sleeping on however you contort yourself. Ah well. When I find myself in times of travel, Leonard L. Church comes to me, speaking words of wisdom: "I WILL FUCKING STAB YOU COMPUTER TRAIN LADY/DUDE." (Oh yeah, they kept announcing the stops all night, and there were quite a few stops.)

Still, we made it safely to Munich! At six in the morning, which was way too early to check in, but after staggering through a very easy U-bahn trip and a little confused walking around searching for the hotel, the hotel owner was super kind and let us leave our luggage there and pointed us to a bakery that would be open where we could get some breakfast and lounge around till we could go in our rooms. ... we're not very good at sitting in coffee shops for three hours, though, so after a nice makeshift bakery breakfast, we meandered very slowly through the English Garden, which is a gigantic and absolutely beautiful park conveniently located almost next door to both the bakery and the hotel. The weather is wonderful today, too - cool and sunny (though clouding up a bit now), just perfect for leisurely strolls. And by the time we meandered back to the hotel, our rooms were ready and holy fuck they're so nice. I have a BALCONY with a breakfast table on it! I kind of want to live here. (Technically my sister had reservations lined up somewhere else, but it turned out to be right at the end of one of the U-bahn lines, so she and future sister-in-law decided to come with me to see if they could get a room here, since they're only staying one night in Munich before going to Vienna. Luckily, it worked out and they're right across the hall from me, so that's also nice.)

Now I am refreshing myself with caffeine and eating peanut butter crackers and wishing I could take another nap in addition to the one I took after we got the rooms, but I know it would be a bad idea. Still so tempting, though.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here: http://hokuton-punch.dreamwidth.org/1054909.html .

time for go to bed, hokuto abroad

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