(no subject)

Mar 15, 2014 19:41

So, I have successfully survived three days in a row of getting up at 8 in the morning! Also the last 600 pages of Les Miserables. I was watching exams for the CMS, which meant two nice peaceful hours of reading a day - well, peaceful except for IN MY HEART. Oh my gods. MONSIEUR MABEUF. GAVROCHE AND HIS LITTLE BROTHERS. JUST SHOOT ME NOW, GODDAMN. ;o;

I may, however, not survive much more of this unheated house. A relative mildness in the weather outside has no effect whatsoever on my room, which was apparently built directly over an unmelted glacier, so I am sitting around in jacket, scarf, and gloves, getting a pain in my shoulders from hunching over my laptop because it is the only source of heat. DIDN'T I HAVE TO SUFFER THROUGH THIS LAST YEAR? WHY IS IT HAPPENING AGAIN? At least the hot water is working or it would be really bad, but this is at best a mild consolation. I might go in to King's Manor tomorrow just to be warm for the afternoon, Sunday or no Sunday.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here: http://hokuton-punch.dreamwidth.org/1024431.html .

got my bitchface on, grad school, bookworm

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