Well, last night I dreamed that I was in high school with a young Hannibal Lecter. Which, considering the latest episode, means that my subconscious can FUCK DIRECTLY OFF. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: On the slightly plus side, my mother was also in this dream and when I asked her what she thought of high school Hannibal, she basically said "he's creepy as hell, stay away from him," which just goes to show that even in dreams my mother is an excellent judge of character.
Jean Valjean showed up briefly, too, for some reason I do not remember. Valjean, get out of there before you get et! ;o;
So, after last night's episode, Hannibal Lecter: actual worst human being, or actual SATAN INCARNATE UPON THE EARTH? Discuss.
(Alternately, we can talk about how Bungie sprung a surprise spaceship battle on me in Halo Reach and I adored every minute of it, despite being the most terrible pilot of vehicles ever to drive a warthog directly into deep water and cause it to explode. BUT SERIOUSLY, I was not expecting to be able to swoop gracefully around in gorgeously rendered alien planetary orbit, yawing in zero-g like a fucking pro. It - it was kind of transcendental, even with the shooting down Covenant ships part.)
Crossposted from Dreamwidth - read the original post here:
http://hokuton-punch.dreamwidth.org/1008139.html .