Tokyo Tower School. Original yaoi story in Spanish.

Apr 10, 2006 00:54

Yeah yeah finally an update! X3

Just to let you know I am writing an original yaoi story in SPANISH called "Tokyo Tower School". I have been writing it for more than a year or so... ^^" (I have 54 chapters O__O) And finally it has a LJ for you to see my comments and my progress ans silly fangirl talks about seiyuus.

There you will find the link to the story itself (it does have some content so be careful XD) and the link to my drawings ^^

I do not think English speakers will read it, but oh well... I do not even know why I am writing this is English hehe. ...

La historia transcurre en un colegio católico solo de chicos. Hay muchos personajes cada uno con sus traumas XD parejas obviamente que hay ^^ conflictos,  diferentes puntos de vista hacia la vida y el amor, celos, traiciones, asuntos oscuros dentro del colegio... pues no sé hay de todo un poco ^^

Lean si tienen un tiempito, les aseguro que no les decepcionará =P
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