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efftheineffable July 26 2008, 05:19:58 UTC
This is probably going to come off as a bit creepy, but saw the post in dbsg re: what city you live in and was wondering if you would like about 30 random JE magazines from 2006? I'm moving out of CA in a couple of weeks and have no desire to move them, and I cut into them a bit back then so selling would be a pain (to much work). I just feel bad throwing them all out when someone might like them. Was thinking of advertising them for free for people in the area, but saw this first so thought I would be random and offer.

Anyways, not creepy, just lazy. if you're interested, my email is eff.the.ineffable at gmail.com and if not, that's cool =)


hokuto_sama July 26 2008, 20:31:58 UTC
ha ure from Dena too then?

Oh dont worry about it, dont find it a bit weird^^ happens alot in these kinda fandoms huh?

really? is that a real offer there? I say sure. JE=win so Id be more than happy to give those mags a new home^^ I'd message ya, but my e-mail has an overload so I haven't been able to log in for a while. Let me know what u have in mind:D


efftheineffable July 26 2008, 23:39:30 UTC
Yup, same city. Don't want to move away but I'll live I guess.

Yeah, fandom is kinda strange like that. =) But yeah, totally serious. Would be happy to not have to deal with them here. =)
Do you have aim? That's about the only IM I have (penguins42v), but we could pick some place to meet up or I can deliver them somewhere. Just probably easier to work out over IM or phone or something. =)


hokuto_sama July 27 2008, 00:12:18 UTC
my thoughts exactly. Gonna have to eventually too though so I get what u mean

XD isn't it? I'd be freaked out if it werent.
Well, if u want to meet up^^ u on right now? I'll log on Im if u are =)


efftheineffable July 27 2008, 00:14:08 UTC
Yup, on right now. =)


hokuto_sama July 27 2008, 00:17:05 UTC
ah my screen name is nakorurux7. is it IM, AIM, MSN?


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