This summer, I've been enjoying the fact that I have every weekend off.
Perhaps over compensating for when this was never a possibility at Target, I'm taking advantage of my Saturdays and Sundays by constantly gallivanting on adventures.
So far the highlights have been a weekend at the Berkshires and attending the Mermaid Parade at Coney Island.
I won VIP tickets to the latter courtesy of an essay writing contest (look ma, Bachelors in English is good for something!) so I was able load up on free rum all night while enjoying some burlesque. Honestly, it was probably the best thing I've ever won after that $20 in the Indiana Lottery.
Pretty much the most epic Polaroid I have ever taken.
Kentucky Fried Mermaid lady got really mad when Liam mistook her for just Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Titanic zombies
Important text from Poseidon?
Oh creepy guy.... I sadly didn't get a picture of the guy just running around in a diaper all day.
Chilling with the walrus at the After Party. I loved roaming parts of the aquarium after hours though the seals did not appreciate us as much.
Our favorite BP commentator and Jenny C’est Quoi whose "I am The Walrus" set I took video of. It was probably my favorite of the evening as it incorporated a Victorian dress, monocle and, well, walrus tusks.