Nov 06, 2004 18:05
This is one of those times where I’m not in the mood to write, yet I’m sitting here writing up a storm for reasons unexplained. Don’t I just have ALL the answers. I don’t even know what I’m doing. Most likely I’ll sit here and rant about something I hate. I’m not a negative person per se, I just like complaining about things once in a while.
For instance:
I really can’t stand people who list thousands of interests on their myspace profiles, including books you know they’ve never read. You know the type. The fake intellects. And since they’re SO fucking smart and they love philosophy…they have 450 idiot losers on their friends list. I can’t fathom being that amazingly intelligent and speaking with air headed girls all day long on the internet. And the unnecessarily long music lists. Come on people…are you advertising how hip you are by listing all your cool hardcore and indie bands? All that should really be on there is Journey and Bob Segar.
I also can’t stand people who talk down to you when they have absolutely no reason to. I have a friend that does this continually no matter how many times I tell him to shut his stupid ass up. I’m on the verge of ending the friendship for good because of his chronic foul mouth. So people, do not do this to your friends. Ever. They will get over it rather quickly.
I hate almost everyone in Orange County. I hate their attitudes, I hate their faces, and I hate their disgusting toni and guy haircuts. I can’t stand night clubs either. A friend of mine described going to night clubs as wandering around a dark room for 3 hours conversing with walking STD’s. He hit the nail right on the head with that one. So basically, I despise clubs-especially the ones in LA. I rather enjoy my cozy anti social life of reading books and walking around Portland by myself. That’s right, I like it much better than I like herpes.
Ok, I really love American Apparel’s clothing. But I really don’t give a shit about how much they pay their laborers, or how high of quality the cotton is. They have to be pretty damn proud of their t-shirts to charge you $30 for one. All I wanted was some new undies. But I felt like I was in Nordstrom buying 15 dollar thongs made by Donna Karen. They wanted 10 bucks for a PAIR of boy cut underwear. Maybe I’m cheap or something…but 10 dollars seems steep. I went to Nordstrom’s half yearly today and got 3 pairs of boy cut underwear from there for only 20 bucks. And they were even softer than American Apparel’s. So fuck you American Apparel.
To wrap this up, I also hate bums, people who take things to personally, people who are way too into themselves for what they really are, people who fucking stare at me while I’m on my lap top in coffee shops thinking I don’t notice, anonymous comments, and Coca-Cola.