May 23, 2005 01:03
So another week as gone by... just as fast as all the ones before.
Lets see last monday I had to drive to champaign to drop off a payment to Mr. Mann aka Robeson Halls lawyer aka complete asshole.. so yeah woke up at 5am left at 545 saw the sunrise which I havent seen in quite some time. Dropped off the payment at court and then I was sooo excited to see Vince even if it was for only 20 min. His old roomate Bubba dicked him over and just left before thanksgiving and never came back.. not even for his stuff so Vince and I thew some shit over the balcony which is one of my favorite activities so we laughed a lot. I love that kid seriously he's like a brother to me. Any way I had to be back by noon to pick up my mom so it was a crazy morning. When i got home i took a power nap and then went to sociology to take my exam.
The rest of the week was just normal work and school. I hurt my back pretty bad on tuesday lifting Kyle.. I'll explain more later. Friday I went to DePaul which was fun and friday night I had the OC first season marathon. I love that show. Saturday we had an all staff mandatory rally which wasnt as bad as I thought it was gonna be, but still proves my point that most of those people are sooo fake that they've lost touch with reality. Ahh well ya win some and lose some right? After the rally I went back to Romeoville where i lived preschool-third grade and let me tell ya it isnt any less ghetto than when i left it. It's always weird going back to my old town. I missed a birthday party so I ended up shoving Rose's gift in her front door.
See I havent seen Rose in 4 years... Its complicated. She has epilepsy and her meds make her maturity level about three years behind mine, plus she stayed in the ghetto and I moved out to Naperville so we really have nothing in common. She dropped out of high school and tried to kill herself a couple times, her stepdad was abusive and her mom had a rough divorce. Things are just different now. I'm in college and she hasnt even finished high school so what do u talk about with someone completely opposite of you? it makes things a lil difficult. But since I missed her party because of work, I drove out to Richards where Laura was babysitting and chilled there for a while and then came home and talked to Alex for awhile.
Today is Sunday actually its monday now but sunday i worked and then I had to talk to my dad and I was soooo nervous. See my back still isnt better infact its way worse. and Sumdays are the days my dad and I carry Kyle up the stairs for his bath. Let me tell ya that lifing a 180lb boy is not easy by any means (especially since my dad has had 2 heart attacks) all the way up a semi winding staircase. So its been a year now that I've been home helping Kyle up the stairs every week and also helping every night when he goes to the bathroom and putting him to bed a couple nights a week, but I knew there would come a point where I physically couldnt lift him anymore. Well the time has come now that my back in injured and let me tell ya its one of the hardest things I've ever had to admit. My dad and I have a philosophy that anything is possible. Well I gave it shot and I gave it my all but Defeat sure does suck. If this handicap bathroom that was promised a year ago would be finished everything would be fine because we have special lifts and gadgets to move him around the house without physically lifting him. But seriously I wasnt sure if my dad was gonna be pissed that I cant help anymore or if he'd understand. Luckily he understood and told me he appreciates everything I've helped with and he wants my injured back to get better because my health is important. I just knew I had to tell him because all this week I've been thinking about how I'm gonna get this poor kid up those stairs. I mean what would happen if we get half way up the stairs and I just cant do it anymore? Someone would for sure get hurt and the last thing we need in this family is another hurt person. My dad said it perfectly. He said "Heather it was only a matter of time. I mean either I would drop dead or you'd break your back and both of those instances are about to have a head on collison" I know its sooo hard for him. He isnt even supposed to be lifting anything over 40 pounds because of his heart. My dad is such a caring guy even if he doesnt come across as one. I mean how many heart attack victims do you know that lift 180pounds up a flight of stairs? I only know one and thats my dad. But anyway so yeah I was just so afraid of letting him down. I know its not my fault but I still feel bad. I cant help that. But I feel so much better now that we talked and he's not upset with me. Alright well I'm off to bed so sweet dreams and to all a good night.