Jan 27, 2004 19:34
Well, today was fun. I went back to the school and coincidentally got Nicoles crazy bus driver who listens to 102.3 and whistles to it and tries to know how to play drums lol. Then Nicole, Jess, and Brian Worthman went in to take an economics test at 12:15. Well, I met up with Sean Murphy, Megan M, Schoepe, Megan,Pat, and Michelle. Michelle got really pissed off at me for taking her shoe and pretending i chucked it at a car and that it was gone lol. Then we went to CompUSA and Jess and Nicole met up with us. I hooked my mp3 player up to some computer speakers to play JLR music when they walked in lol. Well, we did basically absolutely nothing in every store until we went to get food at Waldbaums. Well I dunno exactly wtf happened, but all of a sudden Nicole was like "Put your arm around me!!" so confused i did and in front of us on line was Nicole's exboyfriends mom, who talked alottt and made us almost miss our bus (well not really but we thought we would have) Lol, then I made Nicole take my bus home instead of hers which was one over cause My bus could probably get really close to her stop but yea, she was like "Im going to freeze walking home.. I hope your happy" lol. Well, I never found out what happened to Nicole after that, hopefully she got driven directly to her house. Then I came home and had to study, but I feel much better since Anna is AWESOME and gave me her review book with all the answers from last year. Well I passed out cause i was really tired and now I'm studying and not knowing anything lol, and HOPING that we have no school tomorrow. Hopefully Anna's theory is correct lol this is her away message:
my hypothesis: no school tomorrow
reasons: It's a given as of right now, that we're gunna get a lotta snow. If so, getting to school is gunna be a pain. You see, bus drivers are dumb; they have no driving skills whatsoever. THey freak out if theres a mere inch of snow on the ground, and take long detours to avoid hills and sharp turns. This causes the students to be late for school. Naturally, it's okay to be a few minutes late for first period, but we can't have students coming in late, and at different times for midterms, now can we??? (get the drift?)
off convincing myself theres gunna be no school tomorrow to make me feel better about myself..... "
Lol, well If i have the test tomorrow, I WILL fail so i guess i better get back to studying and PRAY FOR ENOUGH SNOW.