Mar 05, 2005 17:38 i dont really remember what i did after i went to lindsays house and stuff but last weekend i went to the promenade of friday and we had a lot of fun. the next day i was at my moms and i got a new juicy jacket. it is really cute. i am so excited for washington!!!! holy fucking shit!!!!! ok so yeah yesterday i went to the promenade w/ kady and it was fun...i guess. at least i am not the only 1 who thinks kady is ganna be a porn star! hehe. 2day i went 2 amys house and we had a lot of fun. we went to her dads office for a little while and then we went 2 marshalls. we also wwent to halo. it was fun. i dont no what i am doing 2nite or 2morrow so if u wanna make plans call me! o yeah! and i found my fucking cell phone! yay! paige had it...i odnt no y but w/e. o eyah and just letiing u no me and my r obsessing over coach's new scrabble collection...i just wanted 2 inform i am such a loozer. so yeah call me...640-0594! and plz comment!!!!!!
nata blair!
ps...i am so fucking mad tyler wasnt at the movies when SOMEBODY sed he was!!!!!!!!!!