Many great works of prose have an underlying theme which binds it all together. This blog doesn't.
I had an entertaining day at the office, working on a coding project. I've been mostly ignoring all the incessant water-cooler talk about our upcoming reorganization. People are pretty spun up, and I've been chanting the Covey mantra about "Circle of Influence" and "Circle of Concern". There is nothing about the reorg in my Circle of Influence, so I'm ignoring it, and working on things I can influence. I was doing pretty well ignoring all the
rumor-mongering, but I did mention that I saw one of the Directors as a potential person to begin leading our division, and that I thought it would be tragic. I personally think the guy is as dumb as a box of rocks. Well, not really. He's quite intelligent. In fact, so intelligent that he doesn't seem to feel the council of people with knowledge and experience is worth his effort and time to hear. He has a reputation for ignoring technical people in his organization. As an egotistical technogeek myself,I find those kinds of managers to be infuriating. Well, today, the CIO announced that this particular Director would be heading up an initiative that I had hoped to be involved in. I'm now hoping I can find other challenges. As far as I can tell, our division has been set up to fail in a big way, based on promises being made without any input from us. Maybe I can find another project to keep me busy? Ahh well. CIOs and Directors come and go. After being annoyed for a few minutes, I stuck my head back in my coding and made some progress on a Disaster Recovery project that will probably be de-prioritized to non-existence, but it's fun while I can do it! I'm going to call it "Proactive Focus" and be proud of myself!
I've been sticking with my physical therapy regimen. I don't expect to see overnight changes, but I'm feeling
good about having something proactive I can do about my knee. I'm doing exercises with a theraband every day, and have managed to get on the treadmill every day to do a few minutes of running practice. I'm literally starting from scratch. On Tuesday, I ran for two minutes on the balls of my feet. Three minutes yesterday. Four minutes today. By the end of four minutes, my calves were done! I walked for a few more minutes, and went to a weight machine, and did a few more calf presses. It's obvious that I'm going to need to strengthen my calves enormously to be able to sustain this new form. It does feel pretty smooth, though.
I've been noticing that my knee pain is slightly less acute this week. I can sometimes take 4 or 5 stairs before I get a twinge, and when I do, it's not as bad. I haven't been hopping up on one foot this week! lol. It's interesting that I catch myself actually tensing up when I approach stairs. I hadn't realized how much trouble I was having with them, until I actually stopped to think about it. I'm actually considering my form as I climb stairs now. It's helping.
Good 'nuff for now. It's past my bedtime. Squash tomorrow!