New York enacted a city ordinance imposing a $250,000 fine
- for each use of any pronoun a transgendered person finds offensive
- A biological male wants to be called “she” (or “zhe” or “hir”)
- and yes, those are among the scores of new pronouns you better get right
- That’s $250,000 per “mistake”
- (or refusal to say what you’re told, which we quaintly used to call “freedom”)
- You could easily run up a multi-million dollar tab in a single conversation.
This new law - not proposal, not platform plank, law
- does apply to pastors and churches
- But it applies to everyone else too
- Politics is unavoidable: you either participate or you are ruled by your enemies.
And there are real enemies
- The Democrats are systematically seeking to criminalize any opinion with which they disagree
- This is, in a word, totalitarianism