Luca SIGNORELLI (1450 - 1523), "Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist" (1499 - 1502)

Oct 17, 2015 23:34

It is quite likely that the "Deeds of the Antichrist" is intended as a reference to Savonarola
- the Dominican friar hanged and burnt at the stake in Florence on 23 May 1498.
- In a 'Papist' city like Urbino, and in the case of an artist like Signorelli,
- who had been a Medici protege and who thought of himself as a victim of persecution from the Florentine democratic government
- a fact we learn from Michelangelo,
- this identification of Savonarola with the Antichrist is very plausible;
- it is also supported by a famous passage in Marsilio Ficino's "Apologia", published in 1498,
- where the Ferrarese monk is again identified as the false prophet.

There is no doubt that Signorelli has given us a very convincing portrayal
- of the sinister and mysterious atmosphere, evoked in the prophecies of the Gospels
- in the huge fresco, showing the "Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist".
- Against a vast and desolate background,
- dominated on the right by an unusually large classical building,
- depicted in distorted perspective

The false prophet is shown disseminating his lies and spreading his message of destruction
- He has the features of Christ,
- but it is Satan (portrayed behind him) [Сатана провидчески похож на Ленина. - Х.Н.]
- who tells him what to say

The people around Antichrist
- who have piled up gifts at the foot of his throne,
- have clearly already been corrupted by the iniquities, the Gospel has warned us of
- And, starting from the left, we have a description of a brutal massacre

- followed by a young woman selling her body to an old merchant

- and then more aggressive and evil-looking men

In the background of this scene all sorts of horrors and miraculous events are taking place
- The Antichrist orders people to be executed and
- even resurrects a man,
- while a group of clerics, huddled together like a fortified citadel, resist the devil's temptations by praying

Lastly (at the left) the age of the Antichrist is rapidly reaching its inevitable epilogue
- with the false prophet being hurled down from the heavens by the Angel and
- all his followers being defeated and destroyed by the wrath of God
- That this scene is the masterpiece of the whole cycle
- in terms of originality of invention and evocation of fantastic imagery

Even Signorelli himself must have realized, and he has placed himself
- together with a monk (traditionally identified as Fra Angelico)
- on the left-hand side of the composition.

Fresco, width 700 cm
Chapel of San Brizio, Duomo, Orvieto

рим, художник, флоренция, искусство, ложь, апокалипсис, пророк, чёрт

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