Penicillin: The antibiotic was discovered in 1928 by Scotsman Alexander Fleming. Some consider it Scotland's greatest contribution to the world.
The Steam Engine: Scottish inventor James Watt is known for his improvements on the Newcomen engine.
TV: Scottish engineer John Logie Baird is most famous for the first demonstration of a working television in 1925.
The first powered boat: William Symington of, Lanarkshire, Scotland, developed an engine for one of the first practical steamboats.
The bicycle: For this, you can thank Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan.
Electromagnetics: James Clerk Maxwell is most famous for his mathematical equations relating electricity with magnetism.
The Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland.
The Sticky Plaster: Invented by Scottish surgeon Robert Liston.
Sherlock Holmes: The fictional detective was created by Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
The Carronade: This cast iron cannon was first developed by the Carron Company in Scotland.
Tubular Steel: Developed by Sir William Fairbairn, born in Kelso, Scotland.
The Threshing Machine: Andrew Meikle of Scotland invented this machine for quickly removing the husks from grain.
The Tea Cake: These treats were introduced by the Tunnock family, who opened the first bakery in Lararkshire in 1890.
Telegraph cables: Scottish scientist Lord Kelvin was instrumental in the laying of the first telegraph cables.
Insulin: Scottish doctor John J.R. Macleod helped to discover the role of insulin in type 1 diabetes.
The Higgs boson: Peter Higgs has a Scottish mom. The 2013 physics Nobel Prize winner is also a Professor Emeritus at The University of Edinburgh.
Modern MacAdamised Roads: First built by John Loudon McAdam, the roads "allowed wheeled vehicles to move comfortably and quickly."
The Kelvin Scale: Lord Kelvin of Scotland invented this unit of temperature in 1848.
The Kaleidoscope: Invented in 1816 by Scotsman David Brewster.
Tunnocks Caramel Wafers: Another delightful Tunnock invention.
The Steam Hammer: Invented by Scottish engineer James Nasmyth around 1844.
Cordite: James Dewar, a Scottish physicist educated at the University of Edinburgh, played a key role in the discovery of cordite.
The Decimal Point: Scotsman John Napier "brought the decimal point into common use."
Logarithms: A method for calculating logarithms is also Napier's handiwork.
Hemoglobin: John Scott Haldane, born in Edinburgh, is famous for describing a property of hemoglobin - now known as the Haldane effect - in which deoxygenated blood can carry more carbon dioxide.
Peter Pan: The play was written by Scottish author J.M. Barrie.
Refrigeration: Physicist William Cullen is the first know person to demonstrate artificial refrigeration at the University of Glasgow in the 18th century.
The Forth Rail Bridge: The massive bridge connects Edinburgh and Fife. According to one historian: "Building the bridge absolutely transformed the country and transformed trade."
First Man on the Moon: Yep, Neil Armstrong had Scottish roots.
The Deep Fried Mars Bar: A Scottish chip shop invented the heart-attack inducing snack around two decades ago.
Electric Clocks: First patented by Scottish inventor Alexander Bain.
Statistical graphics (including the pie chart, the line graph, and the bar chart): Architect William Playfair, who lived in Edinburgh, is considered the inventor of statistical graphics.
Proper Whisky
Surgery: A truly Scottish invention.
Curling: An ancient Scottish sport, which you can read more about here.
The Toaster: The appliance was invented by Scottish scientist Alan MacMasters in 1893.
The Wealth of Nations: Adam Smith was born in Scotland
The Bank of England: Scottish trader Sir William Paterson first proposed the idea.
And, The Bank of France.
The Seismometer: A tool for measuring earthquakes was invented by James David Forbes in 1842.
A cure for malaria: George Cleghorn, born near Edinburgh, discovered that quinine could cure malaria.
Golf: The sport is said to have originated from a game played in Scotland during the 15th century.
The Tractor Beam: Yep, it exists, and was created by scientists from the University of Dundee in Scotland.
Long John Silver: The fictional pirate was a character in Scottish novelist Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Also the work of Stevenson.
The Tire: John Boyd Dunlop, a Scottish inventor, developed the first inflatable tire for bikes, patented in 1888.
Dolly, the cloned sheep: She was created here.
Proxima Centauri: The red dwarf star was discovered by Scottish-born astronomer Robert Innes.
The Raincoat: Scottish chemist Charles Macintosh invented a waterproof material that led ot the raincoat.
Marmalade: And finally, thanks to Janet Keiller, a Dundee shopkeeper who is widely credited with introducing the commercial market to marmalade - an orange-y jam thing.