В США принят закон о шахматах (из мыла :)

Aug 15, 2013 06:49

теперь любой выигрыш белыми считается проявлением расизьма!

A black kid asks his mother: "Mama, what's Democracy?"
- "Well, son, that's when white folks works every day, so that we can get fair share of our own benefits,
you knows, like free cell phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, WIC, free healthcare, utility subsidies & the list goes on & on, you knows".

- "But mama, don't the white people get pissed off about that?"

- "Sure, they do, baby, sure, they do, and we call it racism!"

раса, американа, шутка, закон, шахматы, негр, либерастия

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