Как они на этом сидят, панимаиш?

Jan 10, 2010 23:51

Беседа двух мусульман о Европе

Журнал "Молла Насреддин", Тифлис, 1908 г., № 9
Пролетел век: атом, кварки, ракеты, комп, тырнет, ДНК...

В иранском меджлисе, 2009:

This is what they call a secretive inside deal behind the wall at the Majlis!

From right to left: The first Turkmen representative is uncomfortable in his shoes! The second Turkmen representative is getting more comfortable while taking one of his shoes off and resting his one foot on top of the other! But the third Arab representative from Khuzestan is going all the way cozy by forgetting about the shoes and sox in general! He looks so relaxed, just like home! However the fourth guy, the errand boy all the way to the left, sitting on the stairs is not comfortable at all, because he smells the wonderful aroma from Sheik’s feet!

карикатура, насреддин, чюрки

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