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Sep 29, 2008 23:11

Detroit City Council Members Oppose Bailout

U.S. lawmakers voted 228 to 205 Monday to defeat an effort by President Bush to prop-up Wall Street with a $700 billion bail-out
- But, will another attempt pass?
- Detroit City Council President pro tem Jo Ann Watson is one of those, who hopes it doesn't
- because she says the measure doesn't help the average American.
- At Monday's council meeting, Watson said:
--- "we are in an economic hurricane, which has wreaked devastation on the people"
--- "We are demanding that because it's our dollars", Watson said.
--- "We demand it, and the citizens have a right to be respected.
--- The United States, just a few days ago, sent a billion dollars to the Republic of Georgia.
--- So, if we can take care of the Republic of Georgia,
--- how much more should the federal government, where we pay taxes,
--- take care of the eleventh largest city in the United States," said said.

Watson and other city council members are demanding
- a 2-year moratorium on foreclosures
- Watson says they're not asking for a hand-out
- They just want what they're due.


кунсткамера, американа, крючкотвор, либерастия, грузия, детройт

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