Хрустальная посуда и пищевые отравления

Mar 03, 2008 07:06

The association of gout with the upper classes in Europe & America was, in part, caused by their use of lead crystal decanters
- to store fortified wines and whiskey. [1]
- Lin, et al. have statistical evidence linking gout to lead poisoning. [2]
- significant amounts of lead can migrate from lead crystal containers into beverages stored in them.[3]
- Lead crystal typically contains 24-35% lead oxide

In a study performed at N. Carolina State Univer. amt of lead migration was measured for:
1. Port wine
- stored in lead crystal decanters.
--- after 2 days, lead levels were 89 µg/L (micrograms per liter).
--- after 4 months, lead levels were between 2,000 and 5,000 µg/L.
2. White wine
- doubled its lead content within 1 hour of storage &
- tripled it within 4 hours
3. Brandy
- stored in lead crystal for over 5 years
- had lead levels around 20,000 µg/L.[4][5]
4. Citrus juices and infant formula
- leach lead from crystal just as effectively as alcoholic beverages.
- Several companies do make lead crystal baby bottles &
- it is suspected they may present a health danger to infants.[7]
5. Luxury champagne - Cristal
- may also present a danger to consumers from their lead crystal bottles.
6. To put this into perspective
- EPA's lead standard for drinking water is 15 µg/L = 15ppb.[6]

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