Bird flu prep

Sep 14, 2006 14:19

Here's how to survive a severe pandemic:
- prepare to become self-sufficient for several months;
- stockpile nonperishable food, water, disinfectants, prescription medication, office supplies, batteries and generators, air-filter masks,
- cash (small bills),
- portable gas cookware,
- entertainment for the kids, and so on.
- If you happen to be shopping for an air purifier anyway, make sure it has a UV component like these-that's the only type that will actually kill a virus.

Consider having to take care of a sick family member if a hospital is out of the question;
- this would require the antivirals Tamiflu or Relenza (Relenza is likely to be more effective, since Tamiflu more quickly provokes resistance)
Both viruses seem to trick the healthiest immune systems into a response so strong that it kills the patient. A disease that kills the strongest among us.
- drugs for nausea, fever, pain, and muscle aches;
- basic medical supplies like gloves, masks, and a blood pressure monitor would also be prudent. There are a number of extremely thorough preparedness guides here. More generally, you can learn everything you need to know about the causes and consequences of a pandemic here.

- If you have a rural retreat, consider using it.
- Also, consider that in a worst-case scenario, you might have to defend the security of your well-supplied home from desperate outsiders.
- Finally, consider that everyone has to die sometime, and unless you have no survivors at all, it is reckless not to have your affairs in order.

Aside from whatever personal planning you're comfortable with, be sure to follow this issue closely. There's a reasonable chance that attentive readers will have a few weeks' warning before people start emptying grocery-store shelves. Look for phrases like:
" … a quarantine has been placed around the village of ____"
" … emergency doses of Tamiflu have been rushed to the scene . . ."
" …'this could be what we've been fearing,' said one WHO official."

A little citizen activism wouldn't hurt either. Make sure your state is stockpiling antivirals to the greatest extent possible. USA Today recently reported that many states are not taking advantage of a federal program to acquire large reserves. In addition, contact your local health department and inquire about the particular plans of your city and state. A coherent government plan in advance of any pandemic is vital. If it ever does hit, there will be no time to create one, and laissez-faire health commissioners will have a lot of blood on their hands. Read more about what the government should be doing here.

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