Jan 07, 2007 14:22
there was a request. the people have spoken. an entry is made.
yesterday i used one of my Christmas gift cards to purchase from clothing from dillard's, an upscale department store, a phrase which here means "a store where items on the clearance rack cost more than i pay for food (excluding beer) each week." they do have some very nice clothes there, which i assume is why they cost so much. i got a cardigan. that's right, a sweater that buttons up. this new page in my book of style has been described as "old-mannish," which i can live with.
we had a call meeting today for our new teacher/principal, and who ends up on our list but todd lapoint. a little comment from me goes a long way around here, so that tells you something. it's possible that there were other factors at play, but i like to think that no one breathes without my say-so. i am of course downplaying the fact that he was the only new name on our list. he took the spot of the guy who said no last time, and other than that it was the same list.
my car wouldn't start this morning. i just took it in a had it charged this week. they said if it died again i should get a new battery, since it was showing signs of age. i was planning on buying a new one before it died, but it beat me to the punch.
now that you have finished reading this, i don't have to talk to you. that's called effective time management.
i kid, of course. call me and ask me about all the little details that i left out of this story if you like. for example - how did i get my battery to the auto parts store without my battery in my car? how did i deal with all of the inconveniences of being temporarily without wheels? what color is my cardigan? what exactly were the words that got people excited about calling todd instead of that other guy?
by this time in a blog post, you must have realized that i am putting off doing the work that really needs to get done. if i really had something worth writing/reading about, it probably would have been first. let me save you some time and mental anguish - the cardigan is green.