I have a question or two. Do any of you guys know how to find 'love'? How do you know what 'love' is? A lot of questions have been popping up in my mind. 'Love' is an abused word don't you think? (@_@) I don't know whats happening to me! (Me thinks its because of the tennis ball accident. I think it hit me hard enough to get my brain working ion
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I was exaggerating the fact that you never want to let him go. To simply put it, love is when you care so much about some individual that he/she's constantly on your mind. You also don't want him/her to get hurt, physically or mentally, and you also want them to be happy. It hurts you when they are down in any way.
But a lot of people are on my mind a lot. :P I don't want ANYONE to get hurt either~! :D
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